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What is the Meditation?

The large majority Thoughts affect

We think
of thinking is our emotional
a lot.
negative. state.

 Cut down the amount

 Slow down the speed
Benefits Include

Control of Emotions Less Involved with

Your Thoughts
More Involved with
the Real World
What do you do with your body?
Head Facing Forward
Eyes Closed or Open

Back Straight
Arms rest on thighs
Hands on top of each
other and form a cup
Legs Criss-crossed
on top of each other
How long should you meditate for?

Start with 5 Minutes

Aim for 10-20 Minutes

I Wonder How Much Time Is Left For This Session…

What do you do during meditation?
Mindfulness Breathing Meditation

Observe  Observe and feel how the air

move through your nostril
The Breath  Observe the way your breath
transitions from inhale to
 Observe the little pause
between those two actions
Have a
try !

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