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“She Lived As a Man for 43 Years”
Abdilah Fattah Setiaji - 20706251024
Nas Daily
• Laman di Facebook yang mengunggah video berdurasi 1 menit
dengan konten motivasi dan hal-hal baru.
• Dibuat atau didirikan oleh Nuseir Yassin, seorang berkebangsaan
Palestina-Israel yang merupakan lulusan Harvard University.
• Nas dalam judul “Nas Daily” berasal dari bahasa Arab yang berarti
1) N: In Egypt there is a woman who is hiding as a man for 43 years, she wears a man’s clothes, works a
man’s job and even speaks like a man.
2) S: I wear as a man, lived as one and will die as one!
3) N: Who is she? Why can’t she be a woman? And did she get in trouble when the world found out?
4) N: In the city of Luxor, Egypt I found Sisa
5) S: Marhaban ya Nas Daily, I’m Hajjah Sisa, my age is 67 years old and I’m living as a man
6) N: She didn’t always look like this, in fact 43 years ago, she looked like this with a husband and a
daughter, but then her husband died
7) S: When my husband died, I worked hard, I worked many things, until I raised my daughter and
alhamdulillah, this is where I am now.
8) N: And in Egypt, a woman was expected to stay in the house, raising kids, not working. Everyone
turned their back on Sisa, including her own family
9) S: With honor, I earned with honor, I didn’t ask anyone for money, it’s all by my hand
10. N: She was at the end of the road, she and her family needed a “Man Figure” to give them food, income
and safety. So one day, Sisa realised if she cannot find a man to help her, she should be the man to help
herself. Literally the man to help herself! She cut all her hair, she got rid all her dresses, she changed
her voice, put on men’s clothes and started working, really, relly though job, like construction, and
shining shoes
11.Nas: In her society, these jobs are reserved for men like me. So turning into a man was the only way to
get these jobs!
12. N: She did these jobs, everyday, every year, for 43 years. To save every last penny to feed her daughter
13.S: When my daughter was young she used to call me “Dad”. She called me dad, she didn’t know I’m her
mom and that I’m wearing as a man to provide for her. Alhamdulillah, I was able to provide for myself
and provide for my daughter.
14.Nas: Sisa became stronger than most men not just physically but also mentally!
15. N: And after decades of suffering in silence, Sisa was finally noticed! She got on Egyptian TV and was
honored by the president as the ideal fighting mother. By doing so, Sisa paid the ultimate sacrifice she
forgot how to be a woman.
16.S: I wear as a man, lived as one and will die as one!
17. N: Now, this 67 year old woman still dressed as a man and shines shoes for a living. This story has a
happy and a sad ending. On one hand Sisa was able to survive financially and raise awareness about
woman’s rights. But on the other hand , lets not forget, there are still millions of woman who are still
suffering in silence. Who fell like they have to give up their gender just to have the same opportunities
as men..
Struktur Makro
• Topik: Feminisme
• Sub-Topik:
• Masyarakat Patriarkhi
“In her society, these jobs are reserved for men like me. So turning into a man was the
only way to get these jobs!”
• Perempuan
“And in Egypt, a woman was expected to stay in the house, raising kids, not working.
Everyone turned their back on Sisa, including her own family”
• Karakteristik laki-laki dan perempuan
“... She cut all her hair, she got rid all her dresses, she changed her voice, put on men’s
clothes and started working, really, relly though job, like construction, and shining shoes”
• Intro
• Transkrip no. 1 – 3
• Potongan video “I wear as a man, lived as one and will die as one!”
• Sisa (biografi singkat)
• Transkrip no. 4 – 7
• Berisi informasi terkait nama, usia, tempat tinggal dan latar belakang kondisi keluarga.
• Masyarakat
• Transkrip no. 8 – 12
• Perbedaan/batasan antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam masyarakar Mesir.
• Keseharian
• Transkrip no. 12 – 14
• Keseharian sebagai “Ayah” bagi putrinya.
• Ending
• Transkrip no. 15 – 17
• Dampak perjuangan Sisa bagi keluarga maupun masyarakat umum.
Struktur Mikro
• Semantik
• Latar
• Latar video dengan durasi 3 menit ini berupa narasi/monolog yang diiringi dengan video
keseharian, foto, klarifikasi langsung dari Nuseir Yassin atau Sisa dalam scene yang terpisah.
• Detil
• Detil/strategi dari video ini terletak pada scene pembenaran yang disampaikan oleh Sisa
dalam bahasa Arab Mesir yang diterjemahkan dalam subtitle berbahasa Inggris. Scene ini
terletak pada no. 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, dan 16 (scene no. 2 dan 16 sama)
• Maksud
• Maksud dari video ini dijabarkan secara eksplisit, terutama pada bagian Nuseir Yassin.
Maksud tersebut dikuatkan pada bagian ending no. 17
• (11) “In her society, these jobs are reserved for men like me. So turning into a man was the only
way to get these jobs!”
• (14) “Sisa became stronger than most men not just physically but also mentally!”
Struktur Mikro
• Sintaksis
• Koherensi
• 7: “When my husband died, I worked hard, I worked many things, until I raised my daughter and
alhamdulillah, this is where I am now.”
• 10: “She was at the end of the road, she and her family needed a “Man Figure” to give them food, income
and safety. So one day, Sisa realised if she cannot find a man to help her, she should be the man to help
herself. Literally the man to help herself! She cut all her hair, she got rid all her dresses, she changed her
voice, put on men’s clothes and started working, really, relly though job, like construction, and shining
• 11: “In her society, these jobs are reserved for men like me. So turning into a man was the only way to
get these jobs!”
• 15: “And after decades of suffering in silence, Sisa was finally noticed! She got on Egyptian TV and was
honored by the president as the ideal fighting mother. By doing so, Sisa paid the ultimate sacrifice she
forgot how to be a woman.”
• 17: “Now, this 67 year old woman still dressed as a man and shines shoes for a living. This story has a
happy and a sad ending. On one hand Sisa was able to survive financially and raise awareness about
woman’s rights. But on the other hand , lets not forget, there are still millions of woman who are still
suffering in silence. Who fell like they have to give up their gender just to have the same opportunities as
Struktur Mikro
• Sintaksis
• Kata ganti
• S: When my daughter was young she used to call me “Dad”. She called me dad, she didn’t know
I’m her mom and that I’m wearing as a man to provide for her. Alhamdulillah, I was able to
provide for myself and provide for my daughter.
• Bentuk kalimat
• Kalimat Langsung: Kalimat jenis ini ditemukan dalam scene dimana Sisa berbicara.
S: Marhaban ya Nas Daily, I’m Hajjah Sisa, my age is 67 years old and I’m living as a man
• Kalimat Tak Langsung: Kalimat jenis ini ditemukan dalam narasi NasDaily
N: In Egypt there is a woman who is hiding as a man for 43 years, she wears a man’s clothes, works a
man’s job and even speaks like a man.
Struktur Mikro
• Stilistika
• Gaya bahasa : Penegasan jenis repetisi
• S: With honor, I earned with honor, I didn’t ask anyone for money, it’s all by my hand
• S: When my husband died, I worked hard, I worked many things, until I raised my daughter and
alhamdulillah, this is where I am now.
• S: When my daughter was young she used to call me “Dad”. She called me dad, she didn’t know I’m her
mom and that I’m wearing as a man to provide for her. Alhamdulillah, I was able to provide for myself and
provide for my daughter.

• Retoris
• Grafis
• Dalam video ini, elemen grafis dapat dilihat di scene 6 yang memperlihatkan foto Sisa sebelum dan
sesudah menyembunyikan gendernya; dan di scene 15 memperlihatkan fotonya ketika ia mendapatkan
penghargaan dari presiden Mesir kala itu dengan mengenakan pakaian ala laki-laki (jubah dan sorban).
• Ekspresi
• Ekspresi Sisa dalam video ini tidak banyak menunjukan ekspresi yang signifikan.
Kognisi Sosial
• Kognisi sosial di dalam video ini dibangun untuk memberikan
kesadaran bahwasannya masih terdapat diskriminasi gender di
dalam masyarakat.
• NasDaily berusaha menyampaikan bahwa seharusnya kaum
wanita berhak memiliki kebebasan dalam memilih pekerjaan
tanpa harus menyembunyikan gender.
Konteks Sosial
• Masyarakat Arab memiliki budaya patriarkhi yang kuat; bahasa,
tubuh, pakaian dan pekerjaan menjadi batasan yang terlihat jelas
dalam budaya Arab (Mesir).
• Dengan menggunakan metode Van Dijk dalam analisis ini, ditemukan bahwa
tujuan dari video ini adalah memunculkan kesadaran tentang ide kesetaraan
gender dimana kaum wanita harus memiliki hak yang sama dalam memilih
pekerjaan dan jalan hidupnya tanpa harus menyembunyikan gender mereka.

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