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Development of Secondary Sex

Puberty- a stage characterized by rapid
developmental changes. Changes start
to happen to young boys whose age
ranges from 12-14 years old and girls
when they are 10-12 years old.
Changes for young boys
1. Adam’s apple becomes bigger
2. Voice may crack or break at a certain
3. Muscles develop
4. Shoulders become broader
5. Pubic, underarm and facial hair start to
6. Reproductive organ develop
7. Growth spurts
Changes for girls
1. Breasts start to grow bigger
2. Hips become rounded and wider
3. Pubic hair starts to appear
4. Reproductive organs develop
5. Growth spurts
6. Starts having menstrual flow
Menstrual flow usually lasts for 3-5 days
while menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days.
Care for the Reproductive Organs
Proper care for boys
1. Always wash your external reproductive
organ with mild soap and water when taking
a bath.
2. Do not borrow underwear from anybody
3. Always change your underwear daily or as
often as needed
4. Always wear your underwear
5. Consult a doctor when you have problems
with your reproductive organs
Proper care for girls
1. Always wash your external reproductive
organ with mild soap and water regularly.
2. Do not borrow underwear from anybody.
3. Always wear clean underwear and change
it daily.
4. Use a feminine wash 3 times a week.
5. Talk to your parents and consult a doctor
when you have problems with your
reproductive organs.
6. Wear sanitary napkin whenever needed
During menstruation, girls may experience pain in
the lower abdomen. This is called menstrual
cramps or dysmenorrhea.
Ways on how girls can relieve pain cause by
1. Take enough rest. Avoid staying up too late.
2. Apply a warm compress on the lower
3. Do moderate exercise like cycling movements

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