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Modern Technology:

A Tool for
• In the 21st century, the advancement of
technology is fast, and the creation of high tech
• These new technologies have become a
necessity to all human beings for
communication and entertainment purposes.
• Artists became more interested to the so-called
digital-based arts, and they were able to explore
and develop their skills and talents in this field
Reasons why digital artists use modern
technology as a tool for empowerment:
a. A form of communication - - It expresses ideas through
visual elements and principles in an artistic, advanced and
creative way. Digital posters and slogans are also powerful
tools to convey messages of different issues.
b. Accessible to mass consumption - With the availability of
modern technology, digital artworks are easier to access and
share in the different social and multimedia platforms.
c. Wider range of art forms to produce - With the different
applications and software available in making digital artworks,
artists have many choices to the kind of artwork they want to
d. More productive and practical - It is also easier to manipulate these
modern art gadgets by simply undoing committed mistakes in the art
piece. In terms of the productivity, digital artworks are easier to create
and sell.

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