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How do the people celebrate their Birthdays in

different countries?
In China the people
usually eat the long
noodles on Birthday.
The noodles
symbolize longevity
It is necessary to eat
the noodles as long
as possible.
In Mexico the people
don’t blow out the
candles on the cake.
They try to break the
piñata (пиньятa).
This is a doll with
The sweet rice cake is
the most important
dish on the Korean
In Vietnam children
don’t have the
Birthday. All
Birthdays they
celebrate in one day –
the Day of New Years.
On the first festival the
child get «happy
money» from
New Zealand
The people light
candles on the cake
and sing the Birthday’s
song. And then
birthday man
(именинник) get clap
for each year of life
and one more for luck.
In Ireland people
overturn children
headfirst and beat
slightly with the head
about a floor. On one
blow for every year of
life and more one for

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