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Day of

Day 2
What was your favorite toy as a child?

Let’s share
What song exemplifies your
leadership style or philosophy?

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

The Shoe is on the other foot
• Let’s build upon yesterday’s prism of
differences and coaching and
communications training:
• Think back to a situation where you were in
conflict with another person. Carefully
consider the other person’s perspective
while answering these questions.
Remember to look at the situation only
from the other person’s viewpoint.
• Answer the questions with your partner.
The Shoe is on the other foot - Debrief
• What steps did you take to look at the
situation from someone else’s perspective?
• In what ways did your understanding of the
situation change?
• What are some of the steps you think you
can take in the future to ensure that you
better understand the perspective of team
members or colleagues moving forward?
• In what ways might this activity influence
future communication?
The Best of Us

You get the best of me when…

You get the worst of me when …

You can count on me to…

This is what I need from you…

Closing Remarks

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