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Why Are Brain Teasers Good for Your Brain?

 1. Puzzles Exercise Both Sides of Your Brain

 2. They Improve Your Memory and keep your Mind Sharp.
 3. They Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills
 4. It Can Change The Way You Think
 5. They Enhance Your Mood
 6. They Lower Your Stress Levels
 7. Finally they can Improve Your IQ.
So guys Let’s Start

 I will give you only 5 seconds to solve a puzzle. If

you need more time, you can pause the screen. But
my suggestion is that try to solve the Puzzle as
early as possible.
You’re running a race and at the very
end, you pass the person in 2nd place.
What place did you finish the race in?

Ans: You finished in 2nd place.

Which word becomes shorter when
you add 2 letters to it?

 Answer: The word “short.”

What 2 things you can not eat in

 Answer: Lunch and dinner.

What word is spelled wrong in every
 Answer: The word
“wrong.” It’s the only word
that’s spelled W-R-O-N-G.
Aman’s mother has 3 kids. Two of them
are Om and Jai. What is the name of the
third one?
 Answer: Read the question carefully.
The third one is Aman only.
Mrs. Pathak has 4 daughters. Each
of these daughters has a brother.
How many children does Mrs.
Pathak have?
 Answer: They have 5 children. Each
daughter has the same brother. There are
4 daughters and 1 son.
There are 3 apples in the basket and
you take away 2. How many apples
do you have now?
 Answer: You have 2 apples. You
took away 2 apples and left 1 in
the basket.
You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth,
Mars and Jupiter, but not in Venus or
Neptune. What am I?
 Answer: The letter “R.”
It has keys, but no locks. It has
space, but no room. You can enter,
but can’t go inside. What is it?

Answer: A keyboard.
It’s the only place in the world where
today comes before yesterday. Where
is it?

 Answer: The dictionary.
What is full of holes but still holds

 Answer: A sponge
A man who was outside in the rain
without an umbrella or hat didn’t get a
single hair on his head wet. Why?

 Answer: He was bald.

What can you can touch with your left
hand but not with your right hand?

Answer: Your right elbow

What is black when it’s clean and
white when it’s dirty?

Answer: A chalkboard (blackboard)

A person shaves 25 times a day but
still have a beard. How it is possible?

 Answer: He is a barber.
Thank You

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