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The Punishment Of My Servant Jesse Duplantis Forever!

"I will punish My servant, for he refuses to obey Me, says the Living God.  Who is he to demand
planes, so that he can jet around the world, says my God?  Who is he, My son, that people worship
him instead of Me, says the Living LORD of Hosts?  My son, he will be punished, and people will
fear to not be greedy and abusive with My heritage, says the LORD.  For the people are Mine, not
his, and what people call a ministry is actually an abomination before My face.  For I will judge him,
and people will fear to not engage in evil.  For he will be punished eternally from My Presence,
never to be seen again.  For I will put him in Hell, says the Living God, and he will not abuse My
people any more for money, says the Living God.  Jesse will be gone forever, for he refuses to
repent, but still accumulates money that should be used for My widows and needy, but he refuses
to give it to them, but hoards more for self.  That I will punish eternally, and he will be gone, never
to squander more for self, that should have gone to My people.  Repent Jesse Duplantis, and give
all away that you own including all your money that you hoard to your damnation.  Repent, for I will
punish you eternally, O Jesse, evil man of vice and greed.  For I know your heart, and it is full of
lust and sin.  You deceive nobody Jesse, for your laughter will turn to gloom and sadness, for you
refuse to give it all away that My Kingdom may be advanced, for you are a blight on the land, a
deceiver of deceivers, a man of sin and lust, but you will fool no one with your false preaching,
doctrines of devils leading many to Hell itself.  O repent Jesse, wicked man of vice and greed, lust
and sin, for your folly will be evident to all when I expose your evil deeds and sins, O wicked man. 
Repent, for your time is short, and your damnation long, lasting for all eternity O wicked man.  You
fool no one with your charm and wit, for I see through it all, your wickedness of sin and evil
planned inside that wicked heart of yours.  Repent, for your time is short, O wicked Jesse.  The
LORD has spoken.  Amen and amen."

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