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1. The new bridge is made of steal.

2. We reserved the penthouse sweet.

3. We went to there favorite restaurant for dinner.
4. Are you going two the dance on Saturday?
5. We will spent the summer at the sure.
6. They say that the sole goes to Heaven.
7. We will win, oar we will not go home!
8. I don’t think the new rules are very fare.
Write the word HYPE if the statement is
hyperbole and cross if not.
9. He's running faster than the wind.
10. She's as skinny as a toothpick.
11. She was so happy; her smile was a mile wide.
12. Jacob stood on his tiptoes.
13. Jenny and I opened all the gifts.
Identify the meaning of the following Idiomatic
Expressions. Write the letter of the correct answer.

a. To be encouraged b. to take care of fulfill

d. Of no use e. no less than.

14. To look after

15. Nothing but
16. To look after
17. To carry out
18. To no avail
Identify the type of literature being described.
-essay - short story - fable - biography
- expository - legend - epic
19. A long, serious narrative in a dignified style relating
the deeds of a legendary hero/heroine.
20. Artistic literary expression on a particular topic.
21. Is a kind of narrative that explains the origin of a
person,place, or thing.
22. It can be read in one sitting.
23. Is a person’s life, written and told by another
24. Story about animals.
25. A formal kind of literature which is usually focused
on serious matters.
Choose the correct answer below.
- index - synecdoche - hyperbole -metonymy - idioms

26. An exaggerated statement.

27. Substituting part for the whole.
28. Substituting something closely associated with
a thing for itself.
29. A popular expression that does not have its
literal meaning.
30. Alphabetical listing of all the subjects, with
page number

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