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Historical Periods

of Globalization
Lesson 3
Historical Periods of Globalization
1. The Prehistoric Period (10000 BCE-3500 BCE)
• In this earliest phase of globalization, contacts among
hunters and gatherers – who were spread around the world
– were geographically limited. In this period due to absence
of advanced forms of technology, globalization was
severely limited.
Historical Periods of Globalization
2. The Pre-modern Period (3500 BCE- 1500 CE)
In this period, the invention of writing and the wheel were great
social and technological boosts that moved globalization to a new
level. The invention of wheel in addition to roads made the
transportation of people and goods more efficient. On the other
hand, writing facilitated the spread of ideas and inventions.
Historical Periods of Globalization
3. The Early Modern Period (1500-1750)
• It is the period between the Enlightenment and the Renaissance.
In this period, European Enlightenment project tried to achieve a
universal form of morality and law. This with the emergence of
European metropolitan centers and unlimited material
accumulation which led to the capitalist world system helped to
strengthen globalization.
Historical Periods of Globalization
4. The Modern Period (1750-1970)
• Innovations in transportation and communication technology,
population explosion, and increase in migration led to more
cultural exchanges and transformation in traditional social
patterns. Process of industrialization also accelerated.
Historical Periods of Globalization
5. The Contemporary Period (from 1970 to present)
• The creation, expansion, and acceleration of worldwide
interdependencies occurred in a dramatic way and it was a
kind of leap in the history of globalization.
Major Ideological Claims of Advocates of Globalism
• 1. Globalization is about the liberalization and global
integration of markets.
• 2. Globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
• 3. Nobody is in charge of globalization.
• 4. Globalization benefits everyone.
• 5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the world.

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