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R:rosmery J:jhon

R:hello jhon
J:Hi Rosmery.
R:what happened? I notice something strange
J:the thing is that I just found out that the Balenciaga brand used children on its fashion cover
R: I see it normal. What is the problem?
J: is that at the bottom of the images there are figures and drawings that refer to pedophilia.
R:It can't be!.
J:.It's true and I also saw in one of the many images that had a specific one that there were
child pornography documents.
R:rosmery J:jhon

R:I don't believe you!

J:It's horrible what I managed to see in those photos
R:what sick people!
J:you know? The court of his country sued him
R:I don't believe you!
J:Yes, Rosmery, but the Balenciaga brand did not do anything about it, it only issued a
statement that it will not take action on the matter.
R:I see it is a strong case.
R:rosmery J:jhon

R: well Jhon I'll go rest, take care

J:take care anyway Rosmery.

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