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Jesus & Identity


NBCBS Young Graduates Gathering – Pokhara 2023

How did Jesus know that he was called to be


How did Jesus know what

kind of Messiah
he should become?
It is proper for us to do this to fulfill all
Psalm 2:7

Isaiah 42:1

This is my Son, whom I love. With him I am well pleased

Messiah as King (Psalm 2)
1. A royal psalm (King as the ‘Anointed One’ – 2:2)
2. The conspiracy of the nations (2:1)
3. Today I have become your Father… (2:7)
4. Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.
You will rule them with an iron sceptre (2:8-9)
Messiah as Servant (Isaiah 42)
1. Who is the servant – Israel (Isa. 44:1) or an individual
(Isa. 52:13ff)?

2. I will put my Spirit on him… (42:1)

3. He will bring justice to the nations (42:1)

4. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a
light for the Gentiles (42:6)
Preparation in the desert
1. Led by the Spirit into the desert

2. King AND Servant

3. Jesus as obedient Israel

4. Reflecting on the Deuteronomic journey

Parallels with humanity
1. Identity is received from God (in faith, thankfulness and submission) and not
self generated
a) In Creation – God’s image bearers (Gen. 1:26)
b) In Redemption – Children of God and co-heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:15f)

2. Identity involves both ‘be’-ing and ‘do’-ing

(Gen. 1:26 – ‘let us make…’ and ‘let them rule…’)

3. There are different expectations and assumptions attached to our identity

4. Identity and Temptation (Gen. 3:1-5)
a) Doubting God’s goodness – “Did God really say…?”
b) Denying God’s judgment – “You will not surely die”
c) Rejecting God’s holiness – “You will be like God…”
The Temptations
1. Parallels to the exodus journey (wilderness, ‘40’)
2. Reflecting and responding through the
Deuteronomic story (especially chapters 6-8)
3. A temptation to his identity
a) ‘Be’-ing – If you are the Son of God… (4:3,6)
b) ‘Do’-ing – The kingdoms of the world (4:8)
4. God’s presence and strengthening (4:1,11)
5. Not one-off temptations but it leads to greater
Turning stones into bread…
1. A challenge to prove his identity – “If you are the Son of God…”

2. Voluntary fasting to focus on a deeper need

3. Dependence & vulnerability as the place of encountering God (cf Deut. 8:3)

4. The snare when our own comfort and needs takes precedence (cf Deut. 8:10)

5. Recognizing the temptation: Power & Priorities

Turning stones into bread…
6. But what about our needs?
a) Look at the birds and the lilies (Mt. 6:25ff) – Our Father knows our needs and provides

b) Seek God’s kingdom and righteousness first (Mt. 6:33)

c) Ask and you will receive – Our Father will give us good gifts (Mt. 7:11)

d) Give us today our daily bread (Mt. 6:14) – A prayer of dependance and community sharing

7. Questions for reflection:

a) In what area of your life do you struggle to be vulnerable and dependent on God?

b) What do you possess that you can be more generous on?

Putting God to the
1. A challenge to prove his identity – “If you are the Son of

2. Ps 91 – An assurance for God’s covenantal people when in

trouble. It is not a party trick to attract the crowds.

3. The snare of misplaced significance and honour

4. Recognizing the temptation: Power & Popularity

Putting God to the
5. But isn’t honour important?
a) The honour given by people is temporary – ‘they have received their reward in
full’ (Mt. 6:2,5,16)

b) True and long lasting significance, honour and reward comes from our Father
who sees what we do (Mt. 6:4, 6, 18)

6. Questions for reflection:

a) In what periods of your life do you fail to recognize the value and significance
of your God given identity?

b) For what decisions in your life are you first looking for the approval of others
or your own definitions of significance rather than seeking and trusting God’s
The kingdoms of the world
and their splendour…
1. The mission of the Messiah was to receive the authority of all the kingdoms
of the world (Ps. 2:8; Mt. 28:18)

2. The devil offers Jesus his mission goal without the path of the cross

3. The ‘Ends’ don’t justify the ‘Means’

4. Recognizing the temptation: Power & Process

The kingdoms of the world
and their splendour…
5. A righteousness that surpasses the Pharisees and teachers of the law
a) Hate as murder (5:21ff)

b) Lust as adultery (5:27ff)

c) Loving your enemies (5:43ff) etc.

6. Questions for reflection:

a) In what areas of your life do you settle for surface level change rather than the
conversion of your heart and will to God?

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