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Classification of research by method

Quantitative Approaches
These are applied to describe current conditions, investigate relations,
and study cause-effect phenomena. Data is basically numerical.
• Survey research
• Correlational research
• Causal-comparative research
• Experimental research
Qualitative research examples
Case study, ethnography, ethology, ethnomethodology, grounded
theory, phenomenology, symbolic interactions, historical research, etc.
• The primary difference among the above approaches is in the
particulars of the social context examined and the participants
• A collective, generic name for these qualitative approaches is
interpretative research.
• Research that seeks to probe deeply into the research setting to obtain in-depth
understandings about the way things are, why they are that way, and how the
participants perceive them.
• Sustained in-depth and in-context studies are required for uncovering subtle, less
overt, personal understandings.
Case study, ethnography, ethology, ethnomethodology, grounded theory,
phenomenology, symbolic interactions, historical research, etc.
• The primary difference among the above approaches is in the particulars of the social
context examined and the participants selected.
• A collective, generic name for these qualitative approaches is interpretative research.
Class Task
In your groups for Assignment 1 read and prepare PowerPoint
Presentations about the following research methods:
1. Survey research
2. Correlational research
3. Causal-comparative research
4. Experimental research
5. Case studies
6. Action research
7. Ethnography
8. Historical research
NOTE: These presentations will be graded as your Assignment 2 and shall
be included in your Final Mark.

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