Toys in A Shoebox

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Toys in a Shoebox

Katie’s Clinical Group

Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development
Trust vs. Mistrust for Infants (0-18 months)
If needs are met, infants develop a sense of basic trust

Outward signs of Healthy Growth: Outward signs of Unhealthy Growth:

I. Expressions of Trust I. Expressions of Mistrust
1. Invests in relationships 1. Avoids relationship
2. Open, non-suspicious attitudes 2. Suspicious, closed, guarded
3. Lets mother go 3. Unwilling to let mother go
4. Welcomes touching 4. Alone and unhappy
5. Good eye contact 5. Poor eye contact
6. Shares self and possessions 6. Does not share self or possessions
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development
Oral Stage:

Age Range: Birth to 1 year

Source of interaction: Through mouth; rooting and sucking
Dependency on caregivers: responsible for feeding the child- develops sense of trust
and comfort
Primary Conflict: weaning process; child must become less dependent upon caregivers
Fixation: can occur if weaned too early or too late and can have issues with dependency
and aggression; can result in problems with drinking, eating, smoking or nail-biting
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

● Sensorimotor Stage (0-2 years)

● Major characteristics and developmental changes during this stage:

○ Know the world through movements and sensations
○ Learn about the world through basic actions such as sucking, grasping, looking,
and listening
○ Learn that things continue to exist even when they cannot be seen (
object permanence)
○ Realize that they are separate beings from the people and objects around them
○ Realize that their actions can cause things to happen in the world around them
Gross Motor Development

● Gains head control by 4 months ● Stands holding furniture by 9 months

● Rolls from back to side by 4 months ● Crawls with abdomen on floor by 10
● Rolls from abdomen to back by 5 months
months ● Creeps with abdomen off the floor by
● Rolls from back to abdomen by 6 11 months
months ● Cruises by 10-12 months
● Sits alone without support by 8 months ● Can sit down from upright position by
10-12 months
● Walks well with one hand held by 12
Fine Motor Development

● Hand predominantly closed at 1 month

● Desires to grasp at 3 months
● Two handed, voluntary grasp at 5 months
● Holds bottle, grasps at feet at 6 months
● Transfers from hand to hand by 7 months
● Pincer grasp established by 10 months
● Neat pincer grasp with thumb and finger
by 12 mos
Sensory Development
● Hearing and touch well developed at birth
● Sight not fully developed until 6 yrs
● Smiles at 2 months; prefers human face
● Searches and turns head to locate
sounds by 2 mos.
● Says “dada” “mama” at 3-4 months
● Has taste preferences by 6 months
● Responds to own name by 7 months
● Vocalizes 4 words by 1 year
Tummy Time Play
One of the best FIRST baby toys because:

1. Aids and improves their vision as they look for sharper colors.
2. Provides a cushioned surface while they develop trunk stability and control in their back and legs
3. Refining their neck strength as they turn their head to look around

** Tummy time helps babies develop the muscles they'll need to roll over, sit up, crawl, and walk **

Age group:

- infants and newborns 1-3 month olds who are developing neck control

Details on the product:

● The high-contrast patterns are easier for young eyes to see while they're still developing -- half of
the mat is in black and white while the other half is in color, one side of the flip cards are black
and white, while the other side is color (since babies can’t fully see color until 5-8 months)
● The babys reflection isn't all he/she will see - this set transforms into a display stand for baby's
flashcards. Help your little one recognizes new objects, animals, characters and more.
● Until the baby reaches 6 months, the whole world will appear fuzzy, so by bringing certain objects
into focus (like the ones on the mat), encourages your baby's curiosity and support cognitive
Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes Musical Toy

Age group: 3 months +

Toy details:
● Aids in child's auditory and sensory development with this toys
different songs and light up elements
● While being entertaining, Take Along Tunes are perfect for
cognitive development- disguised as entertainment
● Will inspire for a lifelong love for music with 10 different tunes
to choose from
● This baby's version of an MP3 player has colorful lights that
dance across the screen to enhance each entertaining melody
and promote visual perception
● Keeps little ones engaged on the go and the classic tunes and
gentle lights hold baby’s attention
Rattle ‘n Rock Maracas
● This baby toy is indicated for babies 3
● Helps develop sensory and auditory
functions, along with gross motor skills
● These maracas include a soft, fabric
pom-pom for easy accessibility and
● Comes with 2 per pack, different colors
● Made to grasp and shake to rattle the
fun colorful beads
● Provide a source of stimulation
● Serve as a dual function, doubling as
teethers as babies grow
Baby Activity Cloth Book
Age group:1 month +

This toy helps work with many stages of development including

● Sensory: this toy includes different textures and noises to
help them to explore the world through sounds and touch. It
includes bright colors as well as high contrast colors to help
baby's brain development in younger ages.
● Cognitive thinking: many objects can be moved around the
book and will allow the child to work on fine motor skills as
well as grasp
● Can also be used with parent to help children beginning
learning words as the parent reads shows the pictures

This book is easy for travel and includes buttons and velcro for it
to be attached to different places. It is also safe and made with
non toxic dye so it is safe for the baby to put in their month
Handheld Teethers
● Teething begins usually around 6 months
● May have tender and sore gums when teeth begin protruding
● Babies may have:
○ Difficulty sleeping
○ Be irritable and fussy
○ Drool more than usual
○ Lose their appetite
● Gently rubbing the gums with a finger, cold spoon, or teething rings
● Avoid using gel-filled teething rings
● 4 months- babies start putting objects in mouth
● 5 months- grasping
● These specific teethers have different textures to soothe, massage, stimulate and clean the
baby’s gums
Stackable Rings
● 7 months- perfect grasping and begin transferring
objects from hand to hand
● 8 or 9 months- use of hands and fingers to hold
and manipulate objects
○ Want to add more interactive games during
● Stackable rings provide the development of:
○ Fine motor skills
○ Hand and eye coordination
○ Concentration skills
○ Cognitive thinking skills by using color,
shapes, and different-sized objects
○ Encourages baby to sit up, unsupported
Rattle with Rings and Teether
● 0-18 months
● This toy stimulates the infant's pincer grasp and fine
pincer grasp with the rings on the rattle
● The sounds that the rattle makes are stimulating to
the auditory nerves
● For the teether, it soothes the child as it can be put
in the freezer and gives a cool sensation for the
infants pain
● Both items are from sesame street and very colorful
for the infant to start to recognize
Baby Crawling Musical Toy

● This baby toy is for ages 6-12 months and it is

incorporating both motor, sensory, and auditory
● The inchworm toy lights up, makes noises, and rolls
so the baby can move with it.
● On the wheels, it has colorful swirls and the one
has a rattle which is incorporated in sensory.
● The bright colors and playful sounds the toy has
helps to get the baby’s attention to get motivated to
move and want to play with it.
What are healthy expressions of growth?
What Erikson’s stage are infants
classified under? Describe.
What stage of Piaget’s are infants in?
What are things you see in the
sensorimotor stage?

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