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Le Futur Proche

Les Articles Contractés

Pouvoir, Vouloir, Devoir
Les Animaux
La Nature
La Littérature Française

Séance 2
Le Futur Proche
Near Future tense for certain future
Subject + aller ( present tense) +
infinitive form of the main action
Regarder la télé
Describing your future activities :

Demain , je vais aller à l’école.

Je vais rencontrer mes amis.
Nous allons étudier le français.
Vous allez voyager en France.
Pratiquons ….
Les articles contractes
À- to/at
1) Destination: J’habite à Pune
2) Action happening to someone: Je parle à Sylvie.

De – of/from
3) Origin : Je viens de Mumbai.
4) Action happening about/of someone /something: Je parle de Pierre.
5) To show belonging : C’est le livre de Sophie.

With proper nouns we use the original prepositions à and de but with common
nouns we have to use a/de with an article. As under these uses , we will be
often referring to specific nouns , we will use definite articles.
Since this combination is required often. We have a contracted form for the
masculin and plural forms, however there will be no short form for the vowels
and feminine form.
Pouvoir Vouloir Devoir
Les animaux
La Nature
French literature, one of the world's most brilliant, has been for
centuries an impressive aspect of French civilization, an object of
national pride, and a principal focus for feelings of national identity.
The French are a literate people, passionately interested in questions
of language and in the exploration of ideas, the influence of French
intellectuals on the course of French history during the last three
centuries has been great, and remains so even today.

Some Famous French Writers:

Victor Hugo Albert Camus
Jean Paul Sartre Simone de Beauvoir
Emile Zola Charles Baudelaire
Gustave Flaubert Voltaire

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