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Week 1
Day 1
1-Wanting or devouring great quantities
of food.
“A voracious appetite"
2- Engaging in an activity with great
eagerness or enthusiasm.
“She's a voracious reader"

Voracious /vəˈreɪʃəs/

Done at random or without careful judgement.

“The indiscriminate use of antibiotics can cause problems“
1-(of a person) Famous and respected within
a particular sphere.

2- (of a positive quality) Present to a notable degree.

Eminent /ˈɛmɪnənt/
1-“One of the world's most eminent statisticians“
2- “The book's scholarship and eminent readability"
Soak or saturate
(cloth) in water or
other liquid.

Steeped /stiːpt/

“The chillies are steeped in olive oil"

Filled or well-supplied
with something.

Replete /rɪˈpliːt/

“Sensational popular fiction, replete with adultery

and sudden death"
Idiom of the day:

“To eat humble pie” to admit that one was wrong

“They had to eat humble pie when the rumors they were spreading were proved false.”

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