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Paciente femenina de 73 años de edad, sin antecedentes de importancia. Ingresó por
cuadriparesia asociada con disestesias distales de cinco días de evolución. A la
exploración se la encontró con parálisis facial periférica bilateral y cuadriparesia
arrefléctica flácida.
Con esta información que le solicitarias?
Los estudios paraclínicos reportaron: hiponatremia de 115 mmol/L, osmolaridad sérica 254
mOsm/kg, densidad urinaria 1.022, osmolaridad urinaria de 880 mOsm/kg y sodio urinario de
147 mmol/L (Cuadro 1).

El perfil tiroideo con T3 total reportó: 0.82 ng/mL (0.87-1.78 ng/mL), T3 libre 2.44 pg/mL (2.50
- 3.90 ng/mL), T4 total de 12.16 μg/dL (6.09-12.23 μg/dL),

Concentraciones de cortisol de 35.6 g/dL (8.7-22.4g/dL), cinética de hierro y concentraciones de

vitamina B12 normales.
El análisis citoquímico de líquido cefalorraquídeo mostró concentraciones de proteínas de 291
mg/dL (15-50 mg/dL), glucosa 89 mg/dL (40-70 mg/dL) y cinco células mononucleares (0-5
mononucleares células por mm3).
Los estudios de conducción nerviosa fueron compatibles con polineuropatía
desmielinizante aguda.
Que sindromes podrias integrar?
Hyponatremia (HN), which is defined as serum sodium concentration <135 mmol/L, is the most common electrolyte
disorder encountered in the clinical setting and is a frequent complication following neurological disorders. It has been
reported that the HN accounts for 3–35% of inpatients (Sturdik et al., 2014; Holland-Bill et al., 2015; Gang et al., 2018),
while the incidence in neurological patients has been reported to be as high as 50% (Rahman and Friedman, 2009). HN
resulted in higher mortality, hospital costs, and readmission rates, and longer hospital stay (Deitelzweig et al., 2013; Hao et
al., 2017; Althaus and Krapf, 2018).

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and cerebral salt-wasting syndrome (CSWS) are the
most common causes of HN in patients with neurological problems (Kalita et al., 2017; Moritz, 2019). In addition, SIADH
and CSWS are two typical types of refractory HN, and the differential diagnosis between these two syndromes is difficult
because of the overlapping signs, symptoms, and key laboratory data. Both syndromes show HN, low serum osmolality, and
increased urinary sodium and urine osmolality (Peters et al., 1950; Schwartz et al., 1957).

The proper diagnosis of SIADH requires the detection of urine and serum osmolality, urinary sodium, cortisol, and thyroid
hormone (Spasovski et al., 2014).
Criterios del SIADH, según la última guía europea de hiponatremia;

• Osmolalidad sérica < 275 mOsm/kg,

• Osmolalidad urinaria >100 mOsm/kg,
• Exploración euvolemia,
• Ausencia de insuficiencia adrenal, tiroidea, pituitaria o renal y
• Sin uso reciente de diuréticos

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