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Haridwar Plant FY 22-23

What is Jishu Hozen-JH ?



• Equipment
• Operator
• Work Area
Why Jishu Hozen

• To Develop Equipment Competent Operator

• To prevent equipment Forced deterioration
• To establish Basic equipment condition
• To maintain equipment in Optimal condition
• To eliminate equipment Failure
Type of Failures
Machine Failure

Natural Deterioration Forced Deterioration

• Prevent breakdown by • Cleaning : Eliminate
improving TBM all dust & Dirt
• Improve part life by doing • Lubricating : Keep
corrective maintenance & lubricants clean and
Repair Quality replenished
• Improve safety & Reliability • Tightening : Keep bolts tight
07 Type of Abnormalities

1. Minor Flaws - ekeqyh nks’k

2. Unfulfilled Basic Conditions - viw.kZ ewy
3. Inaccessible Places - eq’kfdy txg
4. Contamination Sources - lfEefJr Jksr gksuk
5. Quality Defect Sources - xq.koRrk [kjkc djus ds
6. Unnecessary & Non-Urgent Items - vuvko’k;d
07 Type of Abnormalities

1. Minor Flaws - ekeqyh nks’k

Contamination Dust, Dirt, Powder, Oil, Grease, Rust, Paint
Damage Cracking, Crushing, Deformation, Chipping, Bending
Shaking, Falling out, Tilting, Eccentricity, Wear, Distortion,

Slackness Belts, Chains

Abnormal Unusual noise, Overheating, Vibration, Strange smells,

Phenomenon Discoloration, Incorrect pressure or current
Blocking, Hardening, Accumulation of debris, Peeling,
07 Type of Abnormalities

2. Unfulfilled Basic Conditions - viw.kZ ewy

Lubrication Insufficient, Dirty, Unidentified, Unsuitable, Leaking

Lubrication Dirty, Damaged or deformed lubricant inlets, Faulty

Supply lubricant pipes

Oil level Gauges Dirty, Damaged, Leaking, No indication of correct level

Nuts and Bolts slackness, Missing, Cross-threaded, Too

Tightening long, Crushed, Corroded, Unsuitable washers, Wing nuts on

07 Type of Abnormalities

3. Inaccessible Places - eq’kfdy txg

Cleaning Machine construction, Covers, Layout, Footholds, Space

Construction, Covers, Layout, Footholds, Instrument position

and Orientation, Operating – Range display
Position of lubricant inlet, Construction, Height, Footholds,
lubricant outlets, Space
Tightening Covers, Construction, Layout size, Space
Machine layout, Position of valves, Switches and leavers,
Position of pressure gauges, Thermometers, Flow meters,
Moisture gauges, Vacuum gauges, etc.
07 Type of Abnormalities

4. Contamination Sources - lfEefJr Jksr gksuk

Product Leaks, Spills, Spurts, Scattering, Overflow
Raw materials Leaks, Spills, Spurts, Scattering, Overflow

Lubricants Leaking, Spills, Seeping oils, Hydraulic fluids, Fuel oils, etc.

Gases Leaking compressed air, gases, steam, vapors, exhaust fumes, etc.

Leaking water, Hot, Cold, half finished products, Waste water,

Leaking supply lines etc.
Flashes, cuttings, packaging materials, and non conforming
Contaminants by people & Forklifts, Infiltration through cracked
walls, broken windows etc.
07 Type of Abnormalities

5. Quality Defect Sources - xq.koRrk [kjkc djus ds

Jksr Dust, Rust, powder, chips, moisture, wire scraps, wood
Foreign Matter
pieces, paper pieces, stones etc.
Shock Dropping, Jolting, collision, Vibration etc.
Moisture Too little or Too much, infiltration
Abnormalities in screens, Compressed air separators,
Gain Size
centrifugal separators,

Inadequate warming, heating, compounding, mixing,

evaporation, stirring etc.

Inadequate warming, heating, compounding, mixing,

evaporation, stirring etc.
07 Type of Abnormalities

6. Unnecessary & Non-Urgent Items - vuvko’k;d

Machinery Pumps, Fans, Compressors, Columns, Tanks etc.
Piping Equipment Pipes, Hoses, Ducts, Valves, Dampers etc.
Measuring Temperatures, Pressure gauges, Vacuum gauges, Ammeters
Instruments etc.
Electrical equipment Wiring, Piping, Power leads, Switches, Plugs etc.
Jigs & Tools General tools, Cutting tools, Jigs, Molds, Dies, Frames etc.
Standby equipment, Spares, Permanent stocks, Auxiliary
Spare parts
materials, etc.
Makeshift Repairs Tape. String, Wire, Metal plates etc.
07 Type of Abnormalities

7. Unsafe Places - vlqjf{kr LFkku

Unevenness, Cracked, Holes, Projections, Peeling, Wear of steel
chucker plates, Slipping.
Steps Too steep, Irregular, Slipping, Missing handrails, etc.
Dim, out of position, dirty or broken covers, no explosion
proofing, etc.
Rotating Displaced, fallen oil or broken covers, not safe for emergency,
machinery missing emergency stop devices
Wires, hooks, brakes and other parts of cranes and hoists etc.
Special substances, solvents, toxic gases, insulating materials,
danger signs, protective clothing etc.
•To show the kind of abnormalities and their
locations and the treatments should be taken
•To avoid forgetting to take actions, the date,
name of the finder, and description of the
contents should be written on the tag
•Tags should be attached and then removed
•To remove tags means to manage abnormalities.
•Actual practices are;
•Replacing wearing parts, Oiling, Re-adjustment,
•Minimizing Dispersion of contaminants, etc.
3 Stages of JH
Development of JH
JH Step -0 (Initial preparation)
Preparing for Step 0
JH Step -1 (Initial CLEANING)
JH Step 1- Initial Cleaning
“Cleaning is Inspection”

• It is not a matter of just making the equipment look clean &

shining on the surface ,the process of cleaning exposes
abnormalities ,such as leaks , loose fastening or damaged parts.
• The aim of this step is to get to grips with the equipment ,
getting our hands dirty and removing every last bit of dust or
grime and keeping our eyes open as we do so, because this is by
far the best way discovering problems.
• Using our four senses(Hand , Eye , Nose ,Ear) we see
abnormalities, Identify it (tagging) , Record it (Abnormality
matrix) , correct it (Tag Removal) , Update record and analyze for
prevent repetition .
Workflow of JH Step 01
JH Step 01
Cleaning with Inspection

Key Points For Cleaning
•Deep cleaning—remove all layers
•Open all covers and guards
•Clean all attachment and accessories
•Parts become again dirty- do not give up.
•Find causes and eliminate.

• What can go wrong if this part is dirty or not cleaned
• What happens to this column or pipe ,when this part is rusty
• How would the product quality be affected if this contamination
is not arrested
Harmful Effects of Inadequate Cleaning
Failure Dirt and foreign matter penetrates rotating parts, sliding parts,
pneumatic and hydraulic systems, electrical control systems and
sensors etc., causing loss of precision, malfunction and failure as
a result of wear, blockage, frictional resistance, electrical faults

Quality Defects Quality Defects are caused either directly by contamination of

the product with foreign matter or indirectly as a result of
equipment malfunction.

Accelerated Accumulated dust and grime make it difficult to find and rectify
Deterioration cracks, excessive play, insufficient lubricants, and other
disorders, resulting in accelerated deterioration.

Speed Losses Dust and dirt increase wear and frictional resistance causing
speed losses such as idling and under performance.
Key Points For Exposing Abnormalities
“A deficiency/disorder which can create other

•What can happen if this nut bolt is loose
•What can happen if this oil is dirty or it is fully used up
•What problems can happen if this v-belt or chain is loose
•What can happen if this oil leakage on the floor is not arrested
Step 1 reflection must be ………….

•All the parts responsible for BAD shall be qualifying white cloth
•All the abnormality on machine must be
•No Loose /Leak related abnormality must be pending and pre-
tentative CLRI standard must be in operation (As per defined by
•All the team member of circle must know
•Why JH ?
•What to do in JH ?
•How to do step 1?
•Able to identify/expose (With tagging) abnormality
Hard to inspect ink level Easy to inspect ink level

JH Step -2 (Countermeasure FOR contamination

sources (SOC) & Hard to access (HTA) areas)
JH STEP-2 ….Objective

• Eliminating /Reducing or localization for the source of

contaminations through taking countermeasure on
their root cause
• Converting Hard to Access into Easy to Access
• Develop kaizen doer ship in JH Team member as
operators find ways to improve the situation on their
own initiative.
• Give sense of achievement to an operator.
• To enable CLRI activities within the target time
Understanding Countermeasure against
Contamination Sources
Source of Contamination-SOC (abnormality)

Contamination : Which is making the area dirty

Contaminant : Material which is making the area dirty
Source : Where from the contamination is generated
Mode : How the contaminant is polluting the area
Countermeasure : How to eliminate the contamination
Common sources for contaminations are
•The Machine itself •The Scrap
•The Previous process •The Raw Material
•The Next process •The Atmosphere
Dust, Dirt, Coolant, Lubricating oil, Hydraulic oil, Rust , Chips ,Burrs, Paint
peel off from the machine body
Countermeasure against Hard To Access Areas
Hard to access (Difficult to reach) areas for

• Cleaning •Retightening
• Inspection •Adjustment
• Lubrication •Operation

Difficult Portion : Which part is difficult

Difficult State : Nature of difficulty

Actions Suggested on HTA

 Make place easier to accessible
 Prepare some tool to do task at difficult place
Mapping of SOC & HTA
Mapping : It is a technique to identify all the areas which are having problem. Here for
identifying all the sources which are creating the contaminants through a line drawing.
After making the overall mapping of the equipment, the individual contaminant should
be mapped. Which is called micro level mapping

On making the micro level mapping ,the sources and the mode to be identified. Based on
the mode, the countermeasure to be identified. Otherwise the common countermeasure
for all the modes will not eliminate the problems fully.
Workflow of JH Step 02
Tackling SOC & HTA
Activities for Assembly Areas
Step 2 title: Countermeasure for Place of Difficulty
•Marking where parts are stored should clearly show the place(item
name) and the address (type or size based)
•The storage of parts should be located nearer to the line and Measures
are taken for facilitating “First In, First Out” on parts shelves
•Parts should be arranged by individual type, so that their volume level
can be judged immediately
•Arrange storage that can be accommodate the necessary volume parts
(If parts go beyond defined abnormality can be judged immediately)

Follow 3C:- Cleaning Free, Count Free, Contact Free

Activities for Assembly Areas
Step 2 title: Countermeasure for Place of Difficulty
•Countermeasures for sources of dust ,dirt and stains in
equipment and assembly tools
•Countermeasures for HTA to ETA in use of equipment and
assembly tools
•Using Principal of Motion Economy to
•Take measures for handling heavy items (Lifting or Lowering, Movement)
•Elimination of crouching (झक ु ना) work
•Elimination of irregular direction-changing motions
•Introduction of measures for pokayoke.
•Sorting out improvement contents and confirmation of the
effects (Through updating in Tentative standards)
JH Step -3 (Provisional CLRI Standard)
JH Step 3- Objective
•In this step operator usage the experience they
have acquired in JH step 1& 2 to clarify ideal
equipment conditions ,now they will devise
standard for the actions necessary to sustain
those condition.
Provisional Standards
•The conditions to be sustained , and the methods to be
followed ,must be made explicit.
•The reason why these conditions need to be sustained ,
and the negative consequences of not sustaining them ,
must be fully understood.
•The operators concerned must be given the capabilities
needed to sustain the conditions.
•The prerequisite (such as sufficient time, etc.) for
sustaining the conditions must be made available to
Workflow in JH STEP-3

Provisional CLRI standard

d ard.
is stan
a for t
c riteri
i n imu
is t h
W a nd
Use of Who : Division between team members
Tools, Corrective/
Local Actions &
Language Responsibility
What : What to be done defined
Where: At which part of machine
When: Frequency
Why : Standard; how it should be

& How : How to do

Step -3 ….. कै से करे ?
• CLRI Standard को बनाते समय सुनिश्चित करे की Maintenance department
द्वारा बनाए गये "Machine Maintenance standard" मे से सभी "JH related
Points" CLRI Standard मे डाले गये है.
• CLRI activity मे लगने वाले समय की लिस्ट बनाए
• विचार-विमर्श द्वारा CLRI मे लगने वाले समय को कम करने के हल निकाले.

Total CLRI Time

Reduction by Elimination of
Reduced CLRI Time points through Kaizen

Reduction by Combining
Reduced CLRI Time Activities
Reduction Through

Parallel execution of
Reduced CLRI Time activities co

During Machine sio
Final CLRI Time Working
During M/C

CLRI Time 40
Visual Management / Visual Control
•Expresses information's in A way that can be understood quickly by every

•Helpful for providing alert & early warning system can prevent/avoid:
-Expensive mistakes
-Major failures
-Accidents etc…
Benefits of Visual Management /
Visual Control
•Ease in identifying abnormalities
•Ease in understanding the situation
•Visible to all
•Self explanatory
•Ease of operation & inspection
•Less chances of making mistakes
•Improved safety
•Motivated employees
Step -3 ….. कै से करे ?
• विचार-विमर्श द्वारा मशीन पर ऐसे विज़ुअल कं ट्रोल निर्धारित करे जिनसे CLRI टाइम को कम
किया जा सके .
• रंगो, चिन्हो, दिशाओ तथा लिमिट्स आदि को दिखाने के लिए चित्रो का प्रयोग करे तथा मानकीकरण
का ध्यान रखे

Example- Step 03

Tentative CLRI Standard को लागू करना

• Pre- Tentative CLRI Standards को Revise करके Tentative CLRI

Standards बनाए.
• सर्क ल लीडर यह सुनिस्चित करे की CLRI Activity निर्धारित समय सीमा मे पूरी की जा सके .
• टीम मेंबर CLRI Activity निर्धारित समय सीमा मे पूरा करे.
• सुधारो की आवश्यकता अनुसार MP Sheets , Kaizen sheet , OPL जो भी आवश्यक हो
• सर्क ल लीडर यह सुनिस्चित करे की Revised CLRI Standards की ट्रैनिंग सभी टीम मेंबर को दी गई

JH Step -4 (General Inspection)
JH Step 4 –General Inspection
JH Step 4 –General Inspection
Work flow in JH Step 04
Develop GI points for a Pneumatic System
Defining Equipment Competent Operator
Procedure for checking filter element of
Pneumatic system
JH Step-05 (Autonomous inspection)
JH Step 5: Autonomous Inspection
1. Reviewing cleaning, oiling and overall inspection standards and completing “Jishu-Hozen” standards.
2. Improving the efficiency of autonomous inspection work, promoting visual control, and preventing careless mistakes, in order to ensure
maintenance and control of Jishu-Hozen standards.

• Review of cleaning standards, oiling standards, •

• Cleaning standard Ensuring prevention of recurrence
and overall inspection standards of past failures and minor defects
• Oiling standard
• Preparation of “Jishu-Hozen” standards (Cleaning,
• Inspection standard by oiling and inspection)
overall inspection subjects
• Inspection spots purposes and
• Comparing the Jishu-Hozen standards with
inspection standards of maintenance department methods, frequency, criteria
• Equipment quality • Determining role sharing • Lubrication control
inspection standards • Primary diagnostic techniques

• Improvement of hard-to-inspect areas

• Attainment of target inspection time

• Review of the “Jishu-Hozen” standards • Prevention of careless mistakes

• Production of Jishu Hozen calendar

Matters pointed out Improvement records

• Prepare “Jishu-Hozen” calendar

• Execution of “Jishu-Hozen”
(Cleaning, oiling and inspection)
Plant management diagnosis application

• Autonomous diagnosis Circle activity report

• Plant management diagnosis

Visual Controls
Difference in Visual Indicator & Visual Control
Benefits of Using Visual Controls
•Abnormalities will be detected in advance (losses are prevented)
•Since the abnormality itself attracts attention ,it is quickly discovered.
•Misjudgments, mis-operation, carelessness and forgetfulness are prevented
•These can be prevented because whatever is being controlled makes its own judgments
•Inspection is simplified and made more efficient
•Because it is a system for making things visible , it eliminates waste and strain , and leads to greater
JH Step -06 (Standardization)
JH Step 06- Standardization
Step 6: Standardization
JH Step 07 (Self management)
Basic Approach to Achieving a Self- Managing Workplace
JH Step -07 (Self Assessment)

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