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Life Experience

Many values originate out of the experiences of the individual and

those of his fellow men. Men constantly keep on determining what
values they must follow to find happiness and fulfill their destiny as
human beings. These source orientations are conformed by
Radhakrishnan (1950) who observed, “Values in education although
they find their source in philosophy, have a second source in society,
the people, their culture and their ideals”.
Cultural background
Our values are usually grounded in the core values of our culture, which reflect culture’s
orientation to five basic problems viz.,

1.Beliefs of child rearing and social control

2.The attitude to take nature as fatalistic or seeing it as a challenge to be

conquered in the interest of man’s comfort.

3.The question whether man should live for the present or the future.

4.The kind of activity most valued; and the kind of inter-personal relationship
whether it is competitive or cooperative.

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