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Customer and transaction

Management Application

By- Anaadya D. Shetty

 This is a spring boot application which utilizes Java to create multiple microservices which
are delivered through REST APIs for a customer and transaction management web
 Enables crud operations to be performed by database layer for customers and transactions.
 Persistence logic contains storage logic and translates business objects from and to
 Business logic is custom rules that defines how a business operates however in REST APIs
we should only be concerned about requests and responses hence its used for transaction
Tools and Technologies

 Spring boot – tool for developing microservices and web applications

 MySQL JDBC driver allows application to interact with a MySQL database.
 Java 17
 JPA – mapping , storage , retrieval and updating data between java objects and relational
 Gradle – build automation tool for creating applications
 Hibernate – ORM tool which provides framework for object mapping
 Postman for API due to lack of front end
Project Flow
 1 : Initializing Spring boot project with the dependencies to be used such as Spring Data JPA,
Spring Web and MySQL Driver.
 2 : Connect Spring Boot to the database with necessary information.
 3 : Creation of a customer entity class which is registered with Hibernate.
 4 : Creating a repository class to perform CRUD operations on the Customer entity class.
 5 : Creating a controller i.e. business layer in order to implement actual business logic of
information processing.
 6 : A service layer that facilitates communication between controller and repository layer.
 7 : A DAO layer responsible for database interaction to save and restore application data.
 8 : Build and run the spring boot application in order to test the API endpoints using browser,
curl or Postman, here I have primarily used Postman
Project Architecture
Database Architecture
Coding Standards
 My project is implementing the 4th level of the RMM model standard.
 Custom exception handling is also involved.

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