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Student should be allowed to eat junk food

Background Information
Many children like junk food ,but it’s not healthy. They eat a
lot of chips , sweets and fat food . The problem is that you can
buy these products everywhere and they are cheap. You can
see many Junk food restaurants in every town .
Purpose Statement
The purpose of study is to confirm that Junk food is Healthy
for children or not.
Junk Food and Health Concerns

Most of Junk food contain high amount of sodium, which

increases and aggravates the risks of high blood pressure
There are many harmful influences of Junk food on health, such
as obesity, diabetes, heart problems or any other chronic
Obesity can also lead to other complications like increase in the
cholesterol level, blocking of the arteries, the increased risk of
coronary diseases, and physical discomfort
Effect of Junk Food
We may have listed the pros, but when it comes Junk food.
unfortunately there are many cons.
Junk food is a major cause of obesity to Americans. more
specifically. American children. This comes from all of the
unnecessary amounts of salts. fats and calories in these Junk
Food meals. The obesity cause by Junk food can result in
Cardiovascular diseases, a high blood pressure, diseases of joints.
and colon cancer.
Due to the inexpensive price of Junk food, it is quickly becoming
more and more popular. However. Frequent visits to Junk food
restaurants, become expensive. and quite unhealthy.
How do we become addicted to Junk food?
Junk food contains large amounts of fat.
Human beings have a neurological vulnerability to fat.
Lepton Hormone
The more fat we consume, the more fat our body needs.
Regular Junk food eaters who try to eat healthy will begin to go
into starvation mode because there Lepton threshold is not being
Ways to Avoid the Risks of Junk Food
Make Junk-food weekly event and slowly reduce the consumption
of it
Every time you feel the urge to have Junk food, remind yourself of
the bad effects it can have on your health
Pick out healthy salads, and other food items which will minimize
if not eliminate the risks
Ways to Avoid the Risks of Junk Food

Try to avoid soda or other soft drinks and instead consume fresh
fruit juices and smoothies.
Consume food that has been cooked using healthy cooking
methods like grilling or roasting instead of deep frying.
Study confirm that Junk Food have effect on child parents should
need to avoid them to eat Junk food. Parents needs to move their
children attention towards healthy foods.
Do not choose salad dressings with too much butter, oil,
mayonnaise, cheese, yogurt or any other fatty substances.
Always try and look for healthier options like burgers with grilled
patties and lots of greens as well
Junk food is not "Bad" if not eaten frequently, however, when
consumed much to often, there are E health problems, financial
issues, and possibly the loss quality of family time. Now your
watch slide show I gave all the facts, so what do think of Junk
food? Are you pro globalization and local food culture, or are you
against it?

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