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Roll no : 20044
Definition of talent management:
Talent management is a constant process that involves attracting and
retaining high-quality employees, developing their skills, and continuously
motivating them to improve their performance. The primary purpose of talent
management is to create a motivated workforce who will stay with your
company in the long run.
• Lifecycle of talent management :
The Talent Management Life Cycle ensures that both employee and employer gain the
maximum benefit from their mutual association. In order to understand exactly how each
stage of the employee life cycle can drive employee engagement.

Few stages of talent management are as follows:

1. Recruitment
2. Selection
3. On-boarding
4. Training& development
5. Performance management
6. Succession planning
1 . Recruitment
A challenge for this phase of the talent life cycle is whether the company is hiring for the long
term, on the assumption that people want to pursue long-term careers within it, or alternatively,
whether it aims to meet people’s desire for a stepping stone to opportunities elsewhere. The
tendency is for both parties to engage in a fiction that this is a long-term career move, rather than
discuss intentions honestly .

2 . Selection
TALENT MANAGEMENT begins with an effective recruitment and selection strategy,
but continues through the entire talent lifecycle.
3. On-Boarding

Onboarding is a human resources industry term referring to the process of introducing a

newly hired employee into an organization. Also known as organizational socialization,
onboarding is an important part of helping employees understand their new position and
job requirements.
Onboarding can include the following:
. Job offers
. Salary negotiation
. New hire paperwork
. Policy and culture training
. Job training
. Employee handbook training
. Benefits paperwork
. Benefits education
. Facility tours
. Executive introductions
. Team introductions
4. Training & Development.
Training and development refers to educational activities within
a company created to enhance the knowledge and skills of
employees while providing information and instruction on how to
better perform specific tasks.

5. Performance Management
Performance management (PM) is the process of ensuring that a set of
activities and outputs meets an organization’s goals in an effective and
efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of
an organization, a department, an employee, or the processes in place to
manage particular tasks.
6. Succession Planning

A succession plan is a plan that focuses on identifying

potential leaders and high performers, helping them
develop so they can advance within their organization.
Succession planning is vital because, as an organization
grows, it’s more cost-effective to develop current employees
for key positions rather than hire new people. Giving
employees a clear path forward in their careers via a
succession plan can also boost engagement and retention.
Thank you.

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