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The Corporal Works of Mercy are:

1. Feed the hungry.

2. Give drink to the thirsty.
3. Clothe the naked.
4. Visit the imprisoned.
5. Shelter the homeless.
6. Visit the sick.
7. Bury the dead.
Corporal works of mercy
which concern the material and physical needs of

Spiritual works of mercy

which concern the spiritual needs of others.
What is spiritual and corporal works of mercy reflection?

Both the corporal and spiritual works of

mercy are ways for us to follow in the
footsteps of Jesus. The spiritual works of
mercy are about helping “our neighbor in
their spiritual needs.” Counseling the
doubtful. At times we have all fallen into the
trap of doubting ourselves and our abilities.
What are 8 things to symbolize Lenten season?

Each symbol has a thorough explanation of the importance to Christians

during the season of Lent. SYMBOLS INCLUDED:
1. Palm Fronds (Palm Sunday)
2. Fish (fasting)
3. Cross with Violet Stole (season of penance)
4. Cross in Ash (Ash Wednesday)
5. Water Jug (washing of the feet on Holy Thursday)
6. Crown of Thorns (Jesus was mocked)
7. Nails (the pain Jesus endured for our eternity)

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