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Conflict Management

1. What is conflict?

•2. What is conflict

•A conflict is a struggle and a clash of interest,
opinion, or even principles. Conflict will always
be found in society; as the basis of conflict may
vary to be personal, racial, class, caste, political
and international.

“Conflict is a relationship
between two or more parties
(individuals or groups) who
have, or think they have,
incompatible goals and who
act on the basis of those


Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative

aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of
conflict. The aim of conflict management is to enhance
learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or
performance in an organizational setting. 

Importance of conflict management
■ Facilitates employees to concentrate on their work.
■ Strengths bonds amongst employees.
■ Help finding a middle way an alternative to any problem and successful
implementation of any idea.
■ Motivate employees to strive hard to live up to the expectations and contribute to the
organization in the best possible way.
■ Prevention is better than cure.

How to avoid conflicts?
 Here are some tips for how to stop conflict before it starts.
■ Know your conflict style.
■ When you have a disagreement with someone, what do you do? Form connections with
■ Strengthening your relationships with others can help with preventing conflict. .
■ Communicate effectively.

How to resolve conflicts?
 Some Ways to Resolve Conflicts
■ Talk directly.
■ Assuming that there is no threat of physical violence, talk directly to
the person with whom you have the problem
■ Choose a good time
■ Plan ahead.
■ Don't blame or name-call
■ Give information
■ Listen
■ Show that you are listening
■ Talk it all through
Conflict management style (source of

1) Avoiding.
2) Accommodating.
3) Compromising.
4) Competing.
5) Collaborating.

■ Avoiding.
■ Accommodating.
■ Compromising.
■ Competing.
■ Collaborating.

1. Accommodating
■ This style is about simply putting the other parties needs before one’s own. You allow them
to ‘win’ and get their way.

2. Avoiding
■ This style aims to reduce conflict by ignoring it, removing the conflicted parties, or evading
it in some manner. Team members in conflict can be removed from the project they are in
conflict over, deadlines are pushed, or people are even reassigned to other departments.

3. Compromising
■ This style seeks to find the middle ground by asking both parties to concede some aspects
of their desires so that a solution can be agreed upon.
■ This style is sometimes known as lose-lose

4. Competing
■This style rejects compromise and involves not giving in to others
viewpoints or wants.
■One party stands firm in what they think is the correct handling of a
situation, and does not back down until they get their way.
5. Collaboration
■This style produces the best long-term results, at the same time it is often
the most difficult and time-consuming to reach.
■Each party’s needs and wants are considered, and a win-win solution is
found so that everyone leaves satisfied. This often involves all parties
sitting down together, talking through the conflict and negotiating a solution
Management of conflict
(who to manage conflict!)

Important conflict management skills.

1. Good communication
2. Emotional intelligence
3. Empathy
4. Creative problem solving

Some technique for reducing conflict
 Recognize and manage your emotions
 Make relationship your priorities.
 Focus on present.
 Involve some trustworthy person between two parties to
reduce conflicts.


Intrapersonal Conflict
■ Intrapersonal conflict - takes place within an individual. The person
experiences it in his own mind. Thus, it is a type of conflict that is
psychological involving the individual’s thoughts, values, principles and
emotions. Intrapersonal conflict may come in different forms, from the
simple mundane ones like deciding whether or not to go vegan for lunch
to ones that can affect major decisions such as choosing a career path.

Interpersonal Conflict
■ Interpersonal conflict - means a conflict between two individuals.
Basically, this occurs because of some differences in people. We have
varied personalities which usually lead to incompatible choices and
opinions. So, it is a natural occurrence which can eventually help in
personal growth or developing our relationships with others.

Intragroup Conflict
■ Intragroup conflict - occurs among individuals within a team.
The incompatibilities and misunderstandings between team
members leads to intragroup conflict. It starts from
interpersonal disagreements like team members have different
personalities which may lead to tension or differences in views
and ideas. Say for example, during a presentation, members of
the team might find the notions presented by the one presiding
to be erroneous due to their differences in opinion.

Intergroup Conflict
■ Intergroup conflict - occurs when a misunderstanding arises
among different teams within an organization. For example, the
marketing department of an organization can come in conflict with
the customer support department. This is because of the varied sets
of goals and interests of these different groups. In addition to this,
competition also contributes to intergroup conflict. There are other
factors which increase this type of conflict. Some of these factors
may include a rivalry in resources or the boundaries set by a group
to others which forms their own identity as a team.

Intra-organizational conflicts

■ Intra-organizational conflicts - occur across

departments in an organization, within work
teams and other groups, and between

Inter-organizational conflicts

■ Inter-organizational conflicts - are disagreements

between people—business partners, for example, or
other collaborators, vendors, and distributors—in two
or more organizations

Key takeaway

■ Conflict is an unavoidable reality in the workplace. Smart

organization know this and prepare their management
with the proper Conflict management skills to handle and
resolve workplace conflicts quickly and peacefully


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