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What is a nursery rhyme?
1. A traditional poem or song for children in
Britain and many other countries.

2. The name (nursery rhymes) goes back to the

late 18th/early 19th century.

3. In North America the term Mother Goose

Rhymes means the same and is still often used.
● The oldest children's songs.
● To help a child sleep.

● Lullabies can be found in every

Famous lullabies in English:
human culture.
Rock a bye baby, on the tree top…

Hush little baby, don’t you cry…
Early nursery rhymes---------------------
● short children's rhyming songs
● words that rhyme
● "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man" is one
of the oldest surviving English nursery
● most nursery rhymes were not written down
until the 18th century
19th century------------------------------
In the early 19th century printed collections of rhymes:

● Popular Rhymes of Scotland (1826)

● in the United States, Mother Goose's Melodies (1833)
● The Nursery Rhymes of England (1842)
● Popular Rhymes and Tales in 1849, (fireside stories,
game-rhymes, alphabet-rhymes, riddles, nature-rhymes,
places and families, proverbs, superstitions, customs, and
nursery songs (lullabies)
Hungarian nursery rhymes
● Are these only the so called ‘mondókák’ ?
● Ec-pec kimehetsz..
● Süss fel nap….
● Csigabiga gyere ki..

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