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The Influence of Motivation and Self-Directed

Learning on the Academic Performance of

BEED Students
I. Introduction
The majority of students entering the program come from a high school background.
Which has a traditionally not supported a self-directed learning style and students at this level are
dependent on extrinsic factors for their performance outcomes. The undergraduate medical
program is a five – year course of study offering a bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery with
admission of students mainly from a high school program with a minority of students. Self-
directed learning is the initial process of self- regulated learning involving the active management
of student`s learning (Loyens, Madga and Rikers 2008). In reviewing the literature there is
substantial evidence Problem – Based Learning (PBL) fosters the development of self – directed
II. Statement of the Problem
This topic the influence Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Directed Learning lead us to conduct this
research to allow each individual to open their minds and go for a futher investigation.
1. How does Intrinsic Motivation affect student learning?
2. What are the problem of motivation in learning?
3. What could be the impact of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-directed learning to the academic of
the student?
4. Do you believe that if student has the intelligence they will succeed in their future?
III. Conceptual Framework

Academic performance
Independent pre-class
Intrinsic Motivation and Self- In class discussion and peer
Action plan
directed Learning interaction
Self-evaluating learning
Pre-class knowledge sharing
Respondent of the Study

This study deals on Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Directed Learning among the BEED students.
Research Instrument
The researchers looked for an information about their topic at social media with genuine study
and all are facts information. They also read and get from the published articles of different
author`s and sites.

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