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E José María Arguedas


  Barrios Villavicencio Ruth Seinet.

Martinez Carhuachin Manuel.

Melendriz Ruiz Samir.

Salazar Vera Maricielo

 Reduce, Reuse and recycle Avoid single-use plastics
 Buy second-hand items and donate
 what you no longer use
 Save Energy
Unplug electrical
 appliances when
not in use
 Replace
bulbs with energy-
saving bulbs
Report water leaks Store the water you
Close the tap
Water our plants with reused water
 Don't burn trash
 Reduce the use of cars
 Eat more vegetables Walk
Use reusable shopping bags
Reduce plastic consumption
Take care of the green areas of the cities.
Saving the planet, we are taking care
of our home

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