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 What is sustainability?
The ability to exist over and over again.

Helps humans realise what we are doing to the environment.

Recycle, Reuse, Less pollution, take care of the world.

Making the environment better.

 What are some examples of sustainability?

Wind Energy

Solar Energy

Crop energy

Efficient water usage

 How can we be more sustainable in our

Upheld and being aware of our actions and what we recycle, reuse

Water usage eg. Instead throwing away water, reuse for gardens

Recycled goods: Donating clothes, books or toys to people in needs, salvos, charities.
 What are we currently doing to help

Not using plastic bags

Setting Temperature (Electricity/Gas)

Using clothesline, hanging out clothes instead of a dryer.

Growing plants

Less cars on the road, saving pollution.

Self isolation


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