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Environmental Protection

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It is critical to protect the environment so as to reduce the destruction of
eco-systems caused by a myriad of anthropogenic activities. ... Air and
water pollution, global warming, smog, acid rain, deforestation, wildfires
are just few of the environmental issues that we are facing right now.

Save water
Plant a tree
The less water you use, the less
runoff and wastewater that
Trees provide food and oxygen. eventually and up in the ocean Recycle
They help save energy, clean the Recycling prevents the
air and help combat climate emissions of many greenhouse
gases and water pollutants, and
saves energy. Using recovered
material generates less solid
waste. Also, when products are
made using recovered rather
Shop Wisely Compost than virgin materials.
Composting your food scraps
and yard waste offers double
Buy less plastic and bring rewards: it keeps an incredible Educate
a reusable shopping bag. amount of trash out of the
When you further your own
waste stream, and it produces
education, you can help
free, rich soil to use in your
garden. others understand the
importance and value of our

Unity! Volunteer!
We people should help each other and
together we should protect our Volunteer for cleanups in
environment. We can make things easy and your community. You can get
involved in protecting your
better if we will help each other. All of us is watershed tool.
responsible to protect our environment,
teamwork is the key to aim our goals and
that is to PROTECT our

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