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The earth is having a hard time
because of pollution. ?
The main cause of earth’s pollution is the
Dumping of refuse on open land, waste
burning, and inadequate landfills are the
major contributors to soil pollutions

DId you know there are ways we

can save the earth?
According to experts, there are the 3 Rs we
have to be aware of, for they are the key of
saving our planet earth, Reduce, Reuse and

Means to minimise the amount of
waste we create. such as Taking
reusable bags to carry your
purchases home

Refers to using items more
than oncs such as Giving
outgrown clothing to friends
or charity.

Means putting a product to a
new use instead of throwing it
away such as recycling an old
plastic bottle as a plant vase..

Remember: We take good

care of the earth, Earth
takes good care of us.

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