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Homsexual people should be allow to adopted children

Claudia Núñez
What mean?

The acronym LGTBIQ+ refers to all sexual

orientations, gender expressions and identities
that currently exist. Each of the letters
corresponds to an important part of the
collective, which is made up of lesbians, gays,
transgenders, transsexuals, bisexuals, intersex,
queer and the rest of the identities and
orientations included in the +. This symbol
remains in constant expansion.

The issue of diverse families has been at the forefront of political controversies and massive
demonstrations in more than one country in the region.
For now, it is very difficult to know about the situation of homoparental families in the region for three
• The national censuses of few countries acknowledge their existence.
• Same-sex marriage is legal only in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Uruguay and Ecuador.
• Not all gay couples report their relationships.
I am aware that I was able to overcome the stigma and prejudice of society due to my nationality
privileges, place of birth, skin color, gender identity and education. Not all people are so lucky. Many of
them never lead a life of opportunity and dignity – the most basic human desire.

Together, as human rights activists, development professionals, government officials, but most
importantly, as mothers and fathers, we can find new ways to open closed hearts and minds by arming
our children with love instead of hate.
The main argument in favor of homoparental adoption focuses on the
fundamental rights to equality and non-discrimination.
Los niños que crecieron en hogares homoparentales recibieron mejor
calidad de crianza y mostraron mayor flexibilidad sobre los roles de
género, la diversidad sexual y los diferentes tipos de familias.

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