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Exercising with Diabetes

Effects and Considerations

Sometimes, it may seem easier to pop a pill or even take a shot than to put on your walking shoes and hit the trail. But the truth is that exercise, in combination with a healthy diet, is one of the best things you can do to take care of yourself if you have diabetes. -American Diabetes Association-

Health risks associated with Diabetes

Two to four times more likely to suffer a fatal heart attack Risk of stroke is two to four times higher An estimated 60 to 65 percent of people with diabetes have high blood pressure Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in adults 20 to 24 years old Diabetes is the leading cause of end stage renal disease More than half the limb amputations in the United States occur among people with diabetes

The leading cause of Type 2 Diabetes...

Being overweight


Improves blood sugar regulation


cardiovascular and resistance exercise have been proven to improve receptor sensitivity to insulin


Reduces the risk of heart disease


exercise helps reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure


Improves circulation

in the arms and legs where people with diabetes can have problems


Reduces your risk of stroke


helping manage cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure


Burns calories which can help decrease excess body fat


is by far the greatest risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes


Reduces stress, improves feeling of wellbeing making it easier to follow your dietary guidelines

has been shown to raise glucose


Why exercise?

In some people, exercise combined with a meal plan can control Type 2 Diabetes without the need of medication

-American Diabetes Association-

Another good reason to exercise...

Adults who performed moderate exercise for 2.5 hours per week were 58% less likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes

-American Diabetes Association-

Exercise recommendations

According to the ACSM


recommendations for people with Diabetes is no different than those without Diabetes. ACSM recommends aerobic exercise three to five days per week and resistance and flexibility training two to three days per week.

- ACSMs Certified News, Vol. 17, issue 3

Cardiovascular exercise guidelines

Amount: >150 minutes per week at moderate intensity (40 -60% HRR), or >90 minutes per week at vigorous intensity (>60% HRR)
Types: Walking, jogging, biking, swimming, rowing, etc.

- American College of Sports Medicine -

Resistance exercise guidelines

Amount: >3 days / week; up to 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions of 8 different movements Types: resistance machines, free weights, resistance bands or tubing, body weight movements

- American College of Sports Medicine -

ACSM Precautions for Exercise

Always consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program. Be sure to inquire how any medications you are taking may affect your capacity to exercise Always use adequate warm-up and cool-down periods If neuropathy is present, avoid high impact activities For weight bearing activities, wear footwear which is properly fitted, supportive and well-cushioned Be sure to keep feet dry and clean Perform regular blood glucose monitoring Strenuous strength training or high-impact exercise is not recommended for people with uncontrolled diabetes. Such exercise can strain weakened blood vessels in the eyes of patients with retinopathy. High-impact exercise may also injure blood vessels in the feet.

Exercise and blood glucose

Signs of hypoglycemia

Trembling, rapid heart rate, profuse sweating, pale skin, confusion or disorientation, and jumbled, slow or slurred speech

To help prevent hypoglycemia during physical activity check your blood glucose before you exercise

If its below 100 have a small snack If its above 300 or your fasting blood glucose is above 250 and you have ketones in your urine, do not exercise Drink plenty of fluids during physical activity, since your blood glucose can be affected by dehydration

You should not exercise if...

Your blood sugar level is over 300 mg/dl You are sick You are short of breath You have ketones in your urine You are experiencing any tingling, pain or numbness in your legs Your medication is peaking

Things to remember...

Unless you were previously sedentary, frequent, high-intensity (not high-impact) exercise will yield the fastest results for those cleared by their doctors Wear good, protective, well-fitted footwear to help avoid injuries and wounds to the feet Avoid lifting excessively heavy weights Try to exercise at the same time every day for the same duration to help control blood sugar If you use insulin exercise after eating, not before Inject insulin in sites away from the muscles used during exercise: this can help avoid hypoglycemia Check your blood sugar before and after activity to help in determining your response to exercise Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after exercise Always wear an ID tag indicating you have diabetes to insure proper treatment in case theres a problem


The health benefits for people with diabetes are the same as for those without. Although there are additional precautions that must be considered, regular, intense exercise will help control many of the disease related conditions associated with Diabetes.

- American Diabetes Association

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