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Abdelmohsen, Jason

- Introduction of Cyber Security

- Types of Cyber Security

- Types of Cyber Attack

- Advantages of Cyber Security

- Disadvantages of Cyber Security

- Sources
Cyber security is the technologies, processes, and controls to protect computers,
servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from cyber attacks.
It's also known as information technology security or electronic information security.
Cyber security aims to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protect against the
unauthorised exploitation of systems, networks, and technologies. The true birth of
cyber security occurred in the 1970s. This began with a project called The Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), a connectivity network developed
prior to the internet itself. Bob Thomas determined it was possible for a computer
program to move over a network. As it did so, the program would leave a trail as it
moved. He developed the program so that it could move between the Tenex terminals
Types of Cyber Security
Network Security = Involves controlling and measuring designed to protect networking infrastructure.
Application security = Involves continuously taking measures to ensure that all applications are properly

Cloud security = Helps businesses monitor and protect sensitive data on cloud-based resources.
Internet security = Manages cyber threats and risks associated with the internet, web browsers, web apps,
websites and networks

Endpoint security = Monitors, protects, and investigates vulnerabilities across all endpoints, including
computers, mobile devices, servers and connected devices.
Types of Cyber Attack
Malware (Malicious Software) = Any program or file that is intentionally harmful to a computer, network or
server. Types of malware include computer virus, worm, Trojan horse, ransomware, adware and spyware.
Phishing = Attacker attempts to achieve sensitive data through fake request, usually sent in email or website, in which
the perpetrator disguises as the real person.
SQL (Structured Query Language) Injection Attack = Attacker installs malicious code in SQL
commands that are injected into an application, allowing the attacker to view or manipulate the database.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack = Attacker injects malicious client-side scripts into a user's browsers or
web pages, allowing them to download malware into the target user's system, impersonate the target, and carry out
data exfiltration, session hijacking, changes in user settings, and more.
Denial of Service (DoS) Attack = Attacker floods the target with traffic, or sending it information that
triggers a crash, in order to shut down a machine or network.
Negative Commentary Attack = Unpleasant, immoral, and impolite response/comment from individual
network user caused by the individual’s bad character, lack of moral, desire to be viewed as unique or wish to be
recognized by many.
Advantages of Cyber Security
Protects Sensitive Personal Information = Cyber security prevents attacks in first place as it is a
precautionary measure and proactive approach.
Protects Private and Business Data = Cyber security is a complete security package that can
protect businesses and organisations from various threats with its constant monitoring and early detection.
Improves Productivity = Cyber attacks causes unnecessary downtime that leads to decreased
productivity. An effective cyber security strategy can give an early warning on when to expect attacks and give
suggestions on how to respond.
Improves the Overall Security of an Organization = Cyber security does not only looks out
for threats on the cyberspace but also monitors outside threats. It is cost-effective compared to the traditional
security strategy since its operating costs are low.
Prevents termination of websites = If a system is infected, there's a good risk that its website will be forced
to go down. This means that not only will losses occur due to missed transactions, risk of losing trust from
clients may happen, and some viruses may cause long-term damages to the systems.
Disadvantages of Cyber Security
Regular Update = Software, hardware, and security strategy need to be updated regularly to be one step
ahead of the attacker.
Continuous Learning = The threats are new and never-ending, and so is the learning process to keep up
with the threats.
Complex to Setup = Setting up security architectures and tools like a firewall can be complicated and
could take a long time.
Slower Systems = Over time, Systems tend to become sluggish as running these security applications
takes up a lot of resources.
Constant Monitoring = Cyber Security strategy involves continuous monitoring of new attacks to be
able to detect them as quick as possible.
Talent Shortage / Scarcity = Cyber Security is vast, and there's a significant talent shortage in this
field. It will take a lot of work for organisations to fulfil the scarcity.
Expensive Cost = Implementing Cyber Security can be very expensive as it is an ongoing process that
requires consistent learning and spending.
Sources of Information:,as%20unauthoriz

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