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Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey​
(Lagothrix Flavicauda) Foto o videos

Presentation for English Class

Team members:​

- Gerson Gonzales       0014xxxxxx 
- José Cirilo                   001482485​
- Lady Leon                   001482073
What is it?​
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What animal is the yellow-tailed woolly

They yellow-tailed woolly monkey is one
of the world’s rarest mammals.
What's its habitat?
Its habitat of the yellow-tailed woolly
monkey is in the trees of the steep
ravines and mist.
What does it eat?
They yelllow-tailed woolly monkey is
primarily a frugiovre but leaves, flowers
and buds also make up an important part
of the diet.
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How am I?
Its color is deep mahogany, with
yellow on the underside of the rear
surface of the tail and a whitish
patch on the snout.Its average
weight for females is 5,7 kg and
8,3 kg for males.
Where I live?
They yellow-tailed woolly monkey
liven in the montane cloud forets
of the Peruvian andes.
what do I eat?
I eat fruits, seeds, vines,
chontillas, plants and worms that
hide in the leaves os some trees.
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How to help​

- What do organizations do?​
- How can we help this species?
(volunteering, taking a certain attitude towards some ideas
and actions)
Threats it faces​
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