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Hi everyone, today we are going to talk about an endangered animal in Peru

called “El Gallito de las Rocas”. The members of the group are Brenda
Gonzaga, Pamela Castro, Juan Jose Lopez and Daniel Mejia.

A: El Gallito de las Rocas, Andean cock-of-the-rock or Tunki (Rupícola

peruviana) is one of the species of birds that inhabits in the Amazon
region of Peru. The habitat of Andean cock-of-the-rock is known as yunga.
They live in the cloud forests of the Amazonas around rivers in fruit trees.

Females build nests in caves. They are polygamous bird that change
partners in each reproductive cycle. They are hidden most of the day and
only come out into the forest for a few hours in the afternoon or at night. It
is very rare to see them during the day. They live in groups of 10 to 20

- Plumage: Males have bright orange feathers on the chest and head, while
females have dark brown feathers.

- Crest: Males have a crest on their heads that can be orange or yellow, while
females don’t have crest.

- Size: In general, males are larger than females in size and weight.

- Mating Behavior: During the mating season, males perform a series of

different forms to attract females. The females are in charge of building
the nests and laying the eggs.

- Vocalization: Males have a song that they use to attract females during the
mating season. The females have a different vocalization.

- Social behavior: Males are generally more aggressive than females,

especially during the breeding season.
C: Andean cock-of-the-rock is an omnivorous bird that feeds on a
variety of foods, including fruits, seeds, insects and small
vertebrates. The fruits and seeds are part of their diet and they
obtain them from the trees of the forest and tropical jungles in which
they live. Some of fruits that they consume are guavas, bananas,
berries, among others. Insects are important food for them too. For
instance, they feed on ants, beetles, crickets, butterflies, and other
insects found on the forest floor. At the same time, they also feed on
frogs and small snakes.

D: The Andean cock-of-the-rock was declared as the national bird of

Peru on December 11, 1941; due to their impressive color of
feathers and their lifestyle. Nevertheless, their habitat was altered
by excessive deforestation, illegal mining and illegal sale. Each of
these beautiful birds costs around 5 thousand dollars on the black
market. It is important to remember that they are birds that needs to
have a good diet to maintain their health and survival in their natural
habitat. The loss of their food sources due to deforestation and
other factors that affect their habitat can have a negative impact on
their survival. For this reason, it’s important to protect and conserve
their natural habitat to ensure their long-term survival. These birds
are great disseminators of seeds in the jungle. In this way it helps
the natural regeneration of its environment. Nowadays, it is
estimated that there are about 3,000 so their protection is urgently
needed at the national level.

QUIEN HACE LA PRESENTACIÓN EN CLASE: Good morning / Good afternoon teacher and
classmates. Today we are going to present our final project. The topic is about an endangered
animal in Peru called “El Gallito de las Rocas”. The members of the group are Brenda Gonzaga,
Pamela Castro, Juan Jose Lopez and Daniel Mejia.

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