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The European colonization of the Americas describes the age of exploration and the

resulting conquest of indigenous lands. The Age of Exploration represents the beginning
of the establishment of Western European control in what is now considered North and
South America.
 Had been preoccupied with internal wars and was slowly recovering from the loss of population caused by the Black
Death; thus the rapid rate at which it grew in wealth and power was unforeseeable in the early 15th century.
As more nations gained an interest in
the colonization of the Americas,
competition for territory became
increasingly fierce. Colonists often
faced the threat of attacks from
neighboring colonies, as well as from
indigenous tribes and pirates
SPAIN: While some Norse colonies were
established in north eastern North America as early
as the 10th century, systematic European
colonization began in 1492, when a spanish
expedition headed by the Italian explorer
Christopher Colombus sailed west to find a new
trade route to the Far East  but inadvertently landed
in what came to be known to Europeans as the
"New world"
CHRISTIAN CONVERSION:When Pope Alexander VI issued the Inter caetera bull in May 1493 granting the new lands to the Kingdom of Spain , he
requested in exchange an Evangelization people. During Colombus's second voyage, Benectidine's monks accompanied him, along with twelve other
priests. Through a practice called the Mission System, supervised communities were established in frontier areas for Spanish priests to preach the gospel
to the indigenous population.One of the first primitive schools for Native Americans was founded by Fray Pedro de Gante in 1523.
The practice of slavery was not uncommon in native
society prior to the arrival of the Europeans. Captured
members of rival tribes were often used as slaves and/or for
human sacrifice. But with the arrival of white colonists,
Indian slavery "became commodified, expanded in
unexpected ways, and came to resemble the kinds of
human trafficking that are recognizable to us today"
                   THE END

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