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(20-03-1856 – 21-03-1915)

• Father of Scientific Management.\

• American mechanical engineer.

• He worked for the improvement of industrial efficiency.

• Taylor thought that by scientifically, work would be possible to find one

best way to do it’
“Scientific management means knowing exactly what you want men to
do and seeing that they do it in the best and the cheapest way.

Principles of Scientific Management

1)Science not Rule of Thumb
2) Harmony, Not Discord
3) Co-operation, Not Individualism:
4) Development of each and every person to his/her greatest efficiency
and prosperity:
Science not Rule of Thumb:
• Scientific investigation should be used for taking managerial decision
rather than basing decision on opinion or rule of thumb.
• Taylor believed that even a small activity like loading paper
sheets into boxcars can be planned scientifically.
• This will save time and also human energy.
• This decision should be based on scientific analysis and cause
and effect relationships rather than ‘Rule of Thumb’ where the
decision is taken according to the manager’s personal
Harmony, Not Discord:

• Taylor indicated and believed that the relationship between the

workers and management should be cordial and completely
• Difference between the two will never be beneficial to either side.
• Management and workers should acknowledge and understand
each other’s importance.
• Taylor also suggested the mental revolution for both
management and workers to achieve total harmony.
Co-operation, Not Individualism:

• Complete co-operation between labour and management to achieve

the best possible result.
• Taylor believed that the basic interest of worker and management is
the same.
• Extension of principle Harmony not discord.
• Equal division of work and responsibility.
Development of each and every person to his/her
greatest efficiency and prosperity:
• Scientific management stood for worker development.
• Right men should be engaged in the right job.
• Worker should provided with training.
• Worker should be scientifically selected.

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