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Net Core
1. Data Annotation Validations
2. Caching
3. Security
1. Data Annotation Validations

Data Annotation is used for data validation for web-based

applications. We can quickly apply validation with the help of data
annotation attribute classes over model classes.
Package: System.ComponentModel.Annotations
Namespace: using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
Jquery : <script src="
<script src="
• [ValidateNever]: Indicates that a property should be excluded from
• [Required]: Validates that the field isn't null.
• [EmailAddress]: Validates that the property has an email format.
• [Range]: Validates that the property value falls within a specified range.
• [Compare]: Validates that two properties in a model match.
• [Phone]: Validates that the property has a telephone number format.
• [RegularExpression]: Validates that the property value matches a specified
regular expression.
• [StringLength]: Validates that a string property value doesn't exceed a
specified length limit.
• [Url]: Validates that the property has a URL format.
• [Remote]: Validates input on the client by calling an action method on
the server.
• [CreditCard]: Validates that the property has a credit card format.

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