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• Chromatography separates small molecules in a mixture on the basis of

• As the solvent moves up the paper, molecules move at different rates
• When the spots are colourless (most amino acids), a locating agent is needed to
visualise their positions on the chromatography paper
Paper chromatography is a technique used for the separation & identification
of relatively small chemical substances by a moving solvent on sheets or strips
of filter paper
Substances to be identified are ‘spotted’ near one end of the filter paper
As the solvent moves up the paper, different molecules move at different rates
with the smallest molecules moving the fastest
The technique is used for small molecules such as amino acids, small peptides and
· Ionic compounds that contain specific ratios of loosely bound
water molecules, called waters of hydration.

· Waters of hydration can be removed by heating.

· Compounds that differ only in the

numbers of waters of hydration
can have very different properties.

Copyright 2007 Pearson Benjamin Cummings. All rights reserved.


HYDRATES: Solids that contain water molecules as part of their

crystalline structure. The water in the hydrate is known as the water of
hydration or the water of crystallization.
HYGROSCOPIC: A substance is hygroscopic if it readily absorbs water
from the atmosphere and forms a hydrate.
DELIQUESCENT: A substance is deliquescent if it absorbs water from the
air until it forms a solution.
DESICCANTS: Compounds that absorb water and are used as drying
EFFLORESCENCE: The process by which crystalline materials
spontaneously lose water when exposed to air.

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