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(AC-S05) Week 05 - Task: Assignment - Talking

about what I am studying


Ricardo Josue Cabrera Gayoso


Guillermo Josue Diaz Simpalo


Luis Miguel Avellaneda Ocas

Luis: Hello, Ricardo. My name is Luis Miguel.
Ricardo: Hi, everyone. My name is Ricardo.
Josue: And my name is Josue. Well, classmates, today we are going to talk about what I am studying. For the sake of redundancy,
what are you studying?
Luis: Hello colleagues, I am studying industrial and mining safety engineer
Ricardo: Hello, I am studying electronic and power engineering. Analyzes, designs and manages projects and solutions in the
generation sectors.
Josué: In my case, I am studying Mechatronics Engineering and I know that I need to study and read a lot to be an excellent
engineer. What would you like to do after graduation?
Luis: After graduation I would like to work for the state supervising projects across the country.
Ricardo: In my case, I want to finish my degree to go to work in the mine to see large and heavy machinery.
Josué: I would like to travel to Japan and gains a lot of money to create my own company. This thinking is what I want to happen
in the future. What are you preparing now?
Luis: Now, I am preparing a working diagram of my work to identify where I can be most effective.
Ricardo: In my case I am solving problems and organizing myself for the future, directing and controlling the construction of a
Josué: I am preparing myself in software, mechanics, electronics and other aspects that will help me to be able to face the
different jobs in my career to pass my goals.
Luis: Well, I have to continue doing my activities, it was very talking with you, until another time.
Ricardo: It was nice to see you again, hope to catch up soon!
Josué: We have a lot of wishes about our carrier to complete. Nice conversation, guys. It was a pleasure to talk with you.

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