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Skeletal System

The Vatuleri’s skeleton is extremely flexible. They can change the way their
body is formed by shrinking its size because of their flexible skeletal system. Their
spine helps them run at incredible speeds because between each vertebra is a rubber-
like disk. When they sprint, the spine contracts. When it contracts, it forces the
energy out and expands propelling the creature forward, then repeating. Their legs
also have this contraption. When they step on the ground hard enough, their legs
launch themselves.

Vatuleri’s Prey & Diet
The Vatuleri is an omnivore and eats:
• Hare
• Moose
• Fish
• Birds
    Its favorite food is birds because it primarily leaps from tree to tree. It
is in competition with lynxes for resources.
It eats leaves and grass when it has an upset stomach.
Habitat & Niche
Is It an Ultimate
This creature, Vatuleri, is an
ultimate species because the creature
has many traits that makes it able to
survive the biome it thrives in. The
Vatuleri can change its size, climb
trees, is venomous, can jump very
high, and many more traits that put
the creature at the top of the food
chain. But sadly, not every animal
can be king, as humans deforest more
land in taigas, their habitat gets
destroyed and their prey migrate to
different places.

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