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on a rainy evening in the Mumbai,te people heard a new born baby

boy crying.Here comes the birth of our HERO.He was naed as “Ayaz.”
he was a muslim. while he was in grade 7,he saw a girl named
“Krithika”. She was in grade 9 when ayaz was in grade 7.Due to
some coincidences krithika always used to sit beside ayaz during
examinations.Ayaz was an average student,while krithika was a
brilliant student in the entire grade 8.While examination she sees ayaz
suffering as he is not much intrested in she used to help in
answering the questions which were in the question paper.
Soon they became friends.Ayaz started to love he was 2
classes small than krithika.He skipped 2 classes i.e grade 8,9.
later,krithika and ayaz studied grade 10 together . Krithika didnt stop
helping him in exams.So ,even ayaz took it as benifit and he didnt
study for any of the tests and exams.oe fine day,krithika told to ayaz
“Ifu are not going to take your studies seriously i am not going to
talk with you forever”and then she leaves that place.As she
said,ayaz got scared “how am i going to live without her”.
so he had decided to study.The fun part is that the books are as
fresh as they were when they were bought.infact he enjoyed the
new books smell.He started to study.he studied 16 hours a
day .he took over his exams seriously.he gave his best in the
exams .no sooner the results arrived.the most waited 10 board
results arrived!!as the result Ayaz came first in the entire state
and krithika came third in the entire state.On february 14 , he
went to krithika and proposed her.but she denied***.then the
girl {maria} who came second position in entire state went to
ayaz and proposed him.He was speechless.he asked for 2 days to
After 2 days,he accepted because he was already experienced a
failure.and he dint want to experience it again.ayaz and maria visited
all the cafes in their city within a month.they got to know aboueach
other.they did many adventurous things.they even bunked their
coleege for their sooner 1st year of their college they were soo busy in love with each other they didnt
concentrate on studies.they had decided to study togeter they and
night for their 2nd year to get best results in the +2 final exams.
the results arrived and krithika was at the first place and ayaz was
at 2nd place and maria was in 3rd place in all over the state.ayaz
started to suspect maria as she was behaving differently.after few
days of following maria he got to know that maria was krithika’s
cousin.infact krithika made maria to get more closer to ayaz.after
seeing all those ayaz went int depression for nearly 45
days.seeing all these things maria informed fine day
krithika went to ayaz’s house.she couldnt recognize ayaz.he was
with overloaded hair and a long beard.then ayaz was crying and
asked why did you leave me?dont skip it. if you wont answer it i
will jup of this buliding.
Then krithika replied “We both are of different religion.though i
showed both of our horoscope to my family astronomer.he said
that if i get married to you and stay with you more closer,you may
die and you may fall in danger” so i got scared and i started to
move far away from you .so that you wont get any harm on
account of me.ayaz replies i wont care about all those dont think
of me.i will be all fine only if you are with me.
soon,they both escape from their house because their parents wont
agreedue to religion discrimination.they both get married in both temple
as well as in masid. As she was in love him, she wished that he would say
"I LOVE YOU"and would wish her first on her birthday on her birthday.
She started counting days. It was a tough wait. Finally, she planned a
party for her birthday and invited all of her friends so that they could also
be part of this turning point in her life. Everyone came except her
boyfriend. She waited quite a long time for him.
But, as it was getting too late, her friends asked her to cut the
cake. She wasn't interested in cake because she was waiting for
someone special. At 3:00 AM, she got a call from the hospital
saying that her boyfriend was in the hospital because of a road
accident. When she came to the hospital, the whole corridor was
filled with flowers, happy birthday balloons, and her boyfriend
was lying on the bed with minor injuries. She finally got what she
after his recovery from hospital,they planned and went for a long
their converstion during the dong-drive:
A ayaz and a krithika were speeding over 100mph on amotorcycle
krithika: slow down I'm scared.
ayaz: no it's fun
krithika: no it's not fun, it's scary
ayaz: then tell me you love me or not
krithika: I love you, slow down!
ayaz: now give me a hug
(krithika hugs him)
ayaz: now take off my helmet and put it on you, it's bugging me.
In the newspaper the next day : A motorcycle had crashed into a
building due to break failure. Two people were on the motorcycle
and only one survived. The truth was that halfway ayaz realised his
breaks had failed, but he didn't want to let the krithika know
instead, he asked her if she loved him, felt her hug one last time and
then made had her wear his helmet so that she would live, though
he meant to die.
during ayaz’s cremation,krithika also jumps in the same fire and dies
along with ayaz.

the beautiful love birds left their souls peacefully!


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