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Finding Profit or Loss

By: Mae Therese A. Peronce,MBA

Profit and Loss Basic Concepts

 Profit and Loss formula is used in mathematics to

determine the price of a commodity in the market and
understand how profitable a business is.

 Every product has a cost price and a selling price. Based

on the values of these prices, we can calculate the profit
gained or the loss incurred for a particular product.
Points to Remember
Profit(P)-The amount gained by selling a product for more than its
cost price.
Loss(L)-The amount the seller incurs after selling the product less
than its cost price is mentioned as a loss.
Cost Price (CP)-The amount paid for a product or commodity to
purchase is called a cost price.
Selling Price (SP)-The amount for which the product is sold is called
the Selling Price. It is usually denoted as SP. Also, sometimes called
a sale price.
Net profit-The difference in the amount of the Selling Price and the
Cost price
Net loss-The difference between the amount of Cost Price and the
Selling Price
Important Points

 For profit, the selling price should be more than the cost
 For loss, the cost price should be more than the selling
 The percentage value for profit and loss is calculated in
terms of cost price
General formula to find whether there is profit or loss:

 Profit or Gain = S.P. - C.P. = Selling Price - Cost Price

 Loss = C.P. - S.P. = Cost Price - Selling Price
 Cost price = Selling price − profit ( when selling price and
profit is given )
 Cost price = Selling price + loss ( when selling price and
loss is given )
 Profit percentage (P%) = (Profit /Cost Price) x 100
 Loss percentage (L%) = (Loss / Cost price) x 100
Solved examples on finding profit or loss:
1. A shopkeeper buys a football for $ 150 and sells it at
$210. What is his profit or loss?
Cost Price of foot ball = $ 150
Selling Price of foot ball = $ 210
210 > 150
As, S.P. > C.P.
So, he makes a profit
Profit = S.P. - C.P.
           = $ (210 - 150)
           = $ 60.
2. A merchant bought a table fan for $ 575 and sold for $
500. Find the loss of the merchant in the transaction?
Cost Price of the table fan = $ 575
Selling Price of the table fan = $ 500
Loss = Cost Price - Selling Price
       = $ (575 - 500)
       = $ 75
Therefore, loss of the merchant is $ 75.
3. A man bought 360 eggs at $ 18 per dozen. 40 egg where
broken and 20 egg were rotten. What would be his profit or
loss if he sells the rest at $ 20 per dozen?
As 12 things makes a dozen,
He bought = (360 ÷ 12) dozen
               = 30 dozen.
His cost price = $ 18 × 30 = $ 540
He sold total number of eggs = (360 - 40 - 20) = 300
Therefore, he sold = (300 ÷ 12) dozen eggs
                         = 25 dozen eggs.
His selling price = $ 25 × 20
                     = $ 500
As 500 < 540, that is S.P. < C.P.
He suffers a loss,
His loss = C.P. - S.P.
           = $ (540 - 500)
           = $ 40.
To find Cost Price or Selling Price when Profit or Loss is given:

To find cost price or selling price when profit or loss is given

are discussed here.
For example:

1. Maria sold a bicycle for $ 24900 at a profit of $ 600. Find

the price at which she bought it.
Selling Price = $ 24900
Profit = $ 600
Cost Price = Selling Price – Profit
Cost Price = 24900 – 600 
= $ 24300
Therefore, Maria bought it at $ 24300.
Answer: $ 24300
2. Ron has a cycle worth $ 1800 and he wants to sell it at a
profit of $ 220. What should cycles selling price be?
Cost Price = $ 1800
Profit = $ 220
Selling Price = Cost Price + Profit
Selling Price = 1800 + 220
= $ 2020
Selling price of the cycle = $ 2020
Answers: $ 2020
3. Diane sold a book worth $ 850 at a loss of $ 180. Find
the selling price of the book.
Cost Price = $ 850
Loss = $ 180
Since, Selling Price = Cost Price - Loss
Selling Price = 850 - 180
= $670
Therefore, selling price of the book = $ 670
Answers: $ 670
4. If a chair was sold for $ 990 at a loss of $ 110. Find the
cost price of the chair.
Selling Price = $ 990,
Loss = $ 110
Cost Price = Selling Price + Loss
Cost Price = 990 + 110
= $ 1100
Therefore, cost price of the chair = $ 1100
Answers: $ 1100
5. Suppose a shopkeeper has bought 1 kg of apples for
100. And sold it for 120 per kg. How much is the profit
gained by him?
Cost Price for apples is 100.
Selling Price for apples is 120.
Then profit gained by shopkeeper is ; P = SP – CP
P = 120 – 100 = 20
6. From question#5 example, calculate the percentage of
the profit gained by the shopkeeper.


We know, Profit percentage = (Profit /Cost Price) x 100

Therefore, Profit percentage = (20/100) x 100 = 20%.
7. A man buys a fan for 1000 and sells it at a loss of 15%. What
is the selling price of the fan?
Solution: Cost Price of the fan is 1000; Loss percentage is 15%
As we know, Loss percentage = (Loss/Cost Price) x 100
15 = (Loss/1000) x 100
Therefore, Loss = 150 Rs.
As we know,
Loss = Cost Price – Selling Price
So, Selling Price = Cost Price – Loss
= 1000 – 150
Selling Price = 850
Profit and Loss Examples
 If a shopkeeper brings a cloth for 100 and sells it for 120,
he has made a profit of 20.
 If a salesperson has bought a textile material for 300 and
has to sell it for 250, he has gone through a loss of 50.
 Suppose Ram brings a football for 500 and sells it to his
friend for 600, then Ram has made a profit of 100 with a
gain percentage of 20%.
(These are some common examples of the profit and loss
concept in real life, which we observe regularly.)
Thank You!

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