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Evaluating and Making Judgment About a
Range of Texts Using a Set of Criteria
1. Your future is affected by your choices
-We totally agree that our choices of today can really affect our future. As a human
being we tend to make choices everyday, and every choice that we made has equal
consequences that also has a major impact to our life. A major decision of today
can have a major impact for you in the future. Just like for example you decided to
get married and start a family at an early age, therefore your future is affected
because even at your young age you must work and you might even stop your
studies to support the needs of your family especially if you have children.
That’s why what ever choice we make or whatever path
we take always remember that at the end or in the future
it all has consequences and we must be cautious and
well-aware of the choices we make, because it may
cause the downfall that we don’t even expected. We can
say that a bad decision and choice of today has a bad
result and consequences in the future.
3. In our society sometimes choices are
made to satisfy others.
-We also agree to this, because in our society we have what we call
“fitting in”, but for the most part is just we’re afraid to be
discriminated for what choices we will make and setting aside what
we want just to please others, sometimes as people we are making
just to satisfy and fit the standards of the people around us. We are
making choices that we don’t even want just to please other people.
And one example of that is staying in a circle of friends that
has a bad influence upon you, and they say that you can’t be
their friend unless you do what they do, and you already know
that they smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. But to satisfy the
wants of your friends you still do what they want, even if the
choice you’ve made is bad and has consequences that are also
bad because you’ve made a bad action. But sometimes we just
don’t make choice or decision to satisfy other’s but to satisfy
ourselves too.
4. Every person needs to be brave enough to
make their own choices and knowing the
consequences of those choices, be strong
enough to live with those consequences, and
be happy with their choices.
•We also agree to this because as persons we are the one who made the choice
even if we already know what is the consequences of our action, but because
we chose it in the first place we must live with it and be content with it.
One example of that is staying in a romantic
relationship even if the one you love doesn’t give
you the love that you are giving equally. In simple
words your partner is being selfish in your
relationship. But in the first place it’s your choice
to stay even if you know the consequences of
your action, that’s why you must live strong
enough with it, be content and happy with your
action or the choice you’ve made.
Because as human beings we must learn to be
independent, we must learn to make choices,
and we must learn from our mistakes. Making
choice is hard if we won’t acknowledge the
possible conclusion, therefore, always ask
ourselves if this is what we truly want that
would help us to have a happy and better life.

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