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What Are Editing and Proofreading?

Editing and proofreading are two writing processes used to make a text better.
They involve rereading and reviewing a passage before making any changes or

Editing and proofreading work best when used together.

What’s the Difference?
Proofreading focuses more on spelling and punctuation. Whereas editing focuses
more on sentence structure, on the clarity of meaning and word choice in a text. 

You can not really edit a text properly without proofreading it as well.
Therefore, using editing and proofreading in conjunction will help you to
produce the very best piece of writing that you can.
Let’s Practice Together
Firstly, look for any spelling and punctuation mistakes.
What needs fixing?

the dog iz jmping.

Did You Find All of These Mistakes?

TThe dog is jumping.


• Capital letter for the start of a


• Corrected the spelling for ‘is’ and


• Full stop at the end of the sentence.

Make It Even Better!
Next think about what improvements could be made. How can we make this
sentence even better?

Maybe add some adjectives?

Maybe add some more detail to the sentence?

The dog is jumping.

Does This Sound Better?

Thebrown inaamuddy
brown dog is jumping in muddypuddle.

• We added an adjective to describe the


• We added the information about

‘where’ so that the sentence had more
meaning and clarity.
Your Turn!
Proofread and edit each of these sentences below.

You can write your new and improved sentence in your workbook, or
on a piece of paper.

• the balloon floo away.

• ny hous is jus next door.

• this is my favrte hat.

• where did tha cat go.

Share and Compare
Pair and share your new and improved sentences with the
person next to you. 

Did you make any of the same changes?

Did proofreading and editing make the writing better?

Are these sentences easier to read now?

Does the writing make more sense?

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