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Directions: For 15 minutes, answer the following:

1. What theory believed that there used to be a supercontinent on Earth? 1pt.

2. What is the supergiant landmass where all the continents come from? 1pt.
3. Who was the geophysicist that developed the concept of the Continental Drift Theory? 1pt.
4. What theory explains the global distribution of geologic phenomena? 1pt.
5. What are the evidences of Continental Drift Theory? 3pts.
6. What are the different types of Boundaries? 3pts.
7. It is the horizontal movement of the Earth’s crust. 1pt.
8. It is the vertical movement of the Earth’s crust. 1pt.
9. It is the consequence of plate motion. 1pt.
10.Give at least 2 Structures of Ocean Basin. 2pts.

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