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education and

prevention OF
Pulmonary TB

1.Health Promotion
2.Vaksinasi Bacillus Calmette et Guerin (BCG)
3.Administration of prophylactic INH
4.Nutritional status
5.Medication regularity
6.Knowledge about TB
Education About How To Collect Sputum
1. Sputum Collection Site
 Sputum collection is carried out in an open space and gets direct sunlight or in a room
with good ventilation, to reduce the possibility of transmission due to splashing of
infectious sputum.
2. Requirements for the equipment used:
1) Clean
2) Dry
3) Contains no chemicals or detergents
4) Made of materials that do not change the substances present in the specimen
5) Sterile.
6) Dispose of once
7) The specimen container is tightly closed and does not leak
3. Sputum Containers and Storage
1) Wide mouthed
2) Screw cap
3) Made of plastic
4) Sterile
5) Not easy to break
4. Sputum Reservoir
 Ask the patient to cough up sputum in an open space and direct sunlight or
a ventilated room which is good, and be away from people around to
prevent transmission of TB germs.
 Instruct the patient to:
1) Gargle with water before sputum collected to minimize contamination of the specimen by
leftover food or other impurities in the mouth.
2) If the patient wears dentures, ask the patient to release it
3) Take 2-3 deep breaths and each breath times exhale strongly.
4) Open the sputum pot cover and bring it to the mouth.
5) Cough deeply to expel sputum from inside the chest into the sputum pot.
6) Repeat until you get good quality sputum and sufficient volume (3-5 ml / 1 teaspoon)
7) Immediately close the tube tightly by turning the lid, then put it in a wrapper or plastic
8) If sputum is difficult to expel, the patient is instructed to:
• Do light exercise then take a deep breath several times. If the patient feels that he is
about to cough, his breath is held as long as possible and then ask the patient to
Ernawati K, Adah R, Wulansari R, Damayanti NA, Djannatun T. Penyuluhan Cara Pencegahan
Penularan Tuberkulosis dan Pemakaian Masker di Keluarga Penderita: Pengalaman dari Johor Baru,
Jakarta Pusat. Ber Kedokt Masy (BKM J Community Med Public Heal. 2017;34(1):44–9.

Prihanti GS, Sulistiyawati, Rahmawati I. Analisa faktor kejadian tuberkulosis paru. Fak Kedokt
Muhammadiyah Malang. 2015;11.

Kementerian Kesehatan RI (2014) Pedoman Nasional Pengendalian Tuberkulosis, Pedoman Nasional

Pengendalian Tuberkulosis. Jakarta: Kementerian Kesehatan RI

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