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Level of Knowledge and

Awareness of Breast Cancer

Students : Dala Ataya , Raya zain al deen , Ansam Odeh , Zahra Harfoush .

Supervised by :Nawwaf Amro

1. Introduction

2. Problem statement

3. Aim of the study

4. Research Questions Or objectives

5. Literature review

6. Methods

The World Health Organizations (WHO) define the Breast cancer is a condition in which the
breast's cells proliferate out of control. Breast cancer comes in several forms. Which breast
cells develop into cancer determine the type of breast cancer.. One of the biggest global
health concerns is breast cancer, which puts many people's lives in danger, By its very
nature, this type of cancer is dangerous to breast tissue and can affect either the ducts that
create milk or the tubules that deliver it ,This kind of illness has the potential to infect nearby
tissues or metastasis to distant locations. Typically, the condition affects women, though it
can sometimes affect men (Gebresillassie et al ., 2018).

The incidence of cancer is increasing rapidly in many low and middle
income countries such as Palestine due to the epidemiological transition.
This may be due to a lack of awareness, knowledge and beliefs about breast
cancer and how to manage it among females. The objectives were to
determine the level of knowledge and awareness of women about breast

Keyword: knowledge , awareness , breast cancer.

Problem statement
● Statement of the Problem : Females usually feel embarrassed to talk about this issue with their
male physicians. Consequently, measures are required to educate women and spread
awareness(Heena et al ., 2019).

● Background: Due to women's lack of awareness and understanding about breast cancer, breast
cancer is a leading cause of mortality among women (Rahmamn et al ., 2019 ). and cancer
incidence is rising quickly in many low-income nations like Palestine (Abdulwahab et al .,
2018) .the majority of women demonstrated poor knowledge about breast cancer and screening
methods(Alshahrani et al ., 2019).

● Scope of problem : The findings of this study showed a low level of knowledge on breast cancer
Therefore, effective educational programs are required to improve the knowledge level regarding
breast cancer ( Abdulwahab et al ., 2018).

Problem statement
● Scope of problem: Other According to GLOBOCAN 2018 and the National Cancer Registry Program of
India, the mortality rate in India is 17.1 deaths per 100,000 females( Prusty et al.,2021). And on a large scale
the misunderstanding, the little knowledge Recognize the signs and symptoms of cancer ( Prusty et al.,2021).

● Consequences of the problem : Early research on the effects of delay on prognosis tended to indicate that
longer delays are linked to malignancies that are at a later stage at diagnosis, which lowers survival prospects (
Frontiers in public health ).

● Knowledge gap : Social media has played an important role in increasing the level of awareness and
knowledge of breast cancer ( Alshahrani et al ., 2019).

● Proposed solutions : intervention To educate women through group and face to face sessions, a health
education-based intervention module was created ( Prusty et al ., 2020). Customizing social media as a way to
raise awareness about breast cancer, Use presentations, videos, flipcharts and flyers to increase knowledge
about breast cancer.

Purpose of the study
● The purpose of the study is to assess the level of knowledge and
awareness of Brest censer in women

● 1-To assess the level of general knowledge of breast cancer in

● 2- To assess the level of general awareness of breast cancer in

Research Questions
1- What is the level of general knowledge tward of breast cancer in women?

2- What is the level of general awareness tward of breast cancer in women?

Literature Review
● Alrashidi et al.(2017) Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess the levels of breast cancer
related knowledge among Northern Saudi population. data were obtained from 566 Saudi volunteers living
in the city of Hail, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Purposeful questionnaire was designed and used
for collection of the required data. With regard to breast cancer risk factors, 427/566 (75.4%) of participants
answered in the affirmative to whether breast cancer could be inherited. For early puberty and late
menopause, 209/566 (37%) were in agreement with increased risk, for low and delayed child birth, 261/566
(46%), and for overweight and obesity, 210/566(37%). For the question of whether natural breast feeding
can reduce the risk of breast cancer, only 35/566 (6.2%) said yes. (DALAL ATAYA)

Literature Review
● Shraveb et al . (2018)The present study aimed to determine knowledge of breast cancer risk factors, symptoms
and early detection methods of breast cancer among AlQuds University female students. Study population was
332 female university student Part one Socio-demographic data such as age, marital status discipline, academic
year. Part two Knowledge of risk factors for breast cancer was determined with 13 questions. The answers were
"true", "false" and "don't know .The findings : The most widely known risk factors by the students were old age
62.7%, followed by obesity 44% and never being pregnant 30.7%. Approximately half of the students (48.8%)
identified breast lump as a symptom for breast cancer. However, non lump symptoms were less known and less
than half were aware of other warning signs. Only 48.5 % of students identified correctly the appropriate time to
perform breast self examination.. (Raya Zain AL deen)

Literature Review
● Heena et al.(2019)The study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of breast cancer screening
methods among female patients attending primary healthcare centers. A total of 260 nurses , 65 physicians and 65
allied health care workers. Data were collected using a pre-designed, pre-tested, a self-administered questionnaire.
The questionnaire was developed from previous studies after an in depth literature review. A total of 395 health care
workers participated in this study. The mean age of the participants was 34.7 years .Participants included physicians
(n = 63, 16.0%), nurses (n = 261, 66.1%), and allied health workers (n = 71, 18.0%). Only participants had a good
level of knowledge of breast cancer and 104 (26.8%) 6 participants demonstrated a fair level of knowledge. Overall,
370 (93.7%), 339 (85.8%), and 368 (93.2%) participants had heard of breast self-examination clinical breast
examination, and mammography, respectively. A total of 295 (74.7%) participants reported practicing breast self-
examination, 95 (24.1%) had undergone clinical breast examination, and 74 (18.7%) had ever undergone
mammography. (Zahra Harfoush)

Literature Review
● Alshahrani et al.(2019) study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice of breast cancer screening
methods among female patients attending primary healthcare centers. Five hundred of the women participating in
the study and completed there. direct interview questionnaire was used to collect data . The results indicated lack
of knowledge about breast cancer, breast self-examination and mammogram examination and were 54.4%, 56%,
90.4% and 83.8%, respectively. Nineteen percent of the patients demonstrated high knowledge of breast self
examination. Breast self-examination was performed by 35% of patients, while 15% of patients underwent a
mammogram and 19.8% had clinical breast examinations. The most common barrier to breast cancer screening
methods was that patients were unaware of half of the screening methods. 20.6% of women did not perform breast
self-examination because they were not well trained, and 26.4% of women did not do so. Conducting clinical
examinations of the breast, as there is no female doctor. (Ansam Odeh)

Study design: Researcher will use a cross sectional study design because less expensive and
manageable , was used to investigate the level knowledge and awareness for breast cancer

Population The study: population consists of college nursing students who were registered in
the records of Modern University College(MUC) for the academic year 2022/2023.

Inclusion criteria: All male and female college nursing students who are registered in the
records of (MUC, Bachelor’s students, and Palestinians whose cumulative average is
more than 65.

● Setting The study: was conducted at Modern University College(MUC) ,a
non- governmental palestinian public university, located in Ramallah In the
middle of the West Bank, Palestine .

● Sample size and sampling methods: A convenience sampling methods, which

is a non-probability sampling method was used to obtain the required sample
size. The sample size was 179 subjects as calculated according to Openepi
(Dean, 2013). Based on population size (332), confidence level 95%, design
effect for random sample.

● Instruments: The researchers will use a self-administered questionnaire for data collection .

● Reliability : The cronbach's alpha of study questionnaire is 0.85.

● Validity : A self administered questionnaire in Arabic language was distributed by fourth year
nursing students to study participants in order to clarify any item if needed, A Clinical
oncology consultant evaluated content and face validity of the questionnaire.

● Pilot Study : the questionnaire will pilot tested on 20 students (not included in study sample)
to check the clarity of the questions. Results of the pilot test will be used to adjust the
wording of some questions in order to make them easier to understand.

● Data Analysis : The data will be analyzed by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
software (SPSS) .

● Ethical Consideration: Ethical approval to conduct this study was obtained, Participation in
this study was voluntary and verbal consent was obtained from all students who agreed to
participate. Participants received an information sheet and a full explanation of the purpose of the
study. They were assured that their participation would be anonymous and identifying information
would not be collected. All data collected were kept confidential and only used for research


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