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Charlotte recipe

student 12-PDO Kucherova Valeria
Wheat flour (6 servings)
Cane sugar (1 cup)
Chicken egg (4 pieces)
Apple (5 pieces)
• Butter (1 teaspoon)
How to cook?
1. Preheat the oven to 180–200 degrees.
2. Line a round shape with baking paper, grease with butter.
3. Cut apples into thin slices, put in a baking dish.
4. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Whisk the whites.
5. Send the yolks to a bowl, add flour and sugar there, grind well
6. Gently stir in egg whites. Mix well, beat lightly with a fork.
7. Pour the mixture over the apples.
• 8. Send to the oven for 20-30 minutes until done.
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