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First Meeting

English Course ALC


English Course ALC

How to Introduce your self

Informal Situations
Hi, I’m …….. (your name)
Hello, My name is ……… (your name)

Formal Situations
Hello, I don’t think we have met. Let me introduce my self. My
name is …. (your name)

Good morning, allow me to introduce my self. My name is ….. (your


English Course ALC

How to Introduce someone else

This is my friend, Sue

May I Introduce my colleague, Sue Halen ?
Allow me, to introduce my colleague, Sue Halen.
I would like you meet my Colleague, Sue Halen.

English Course ALC

What to say after Introduction

Hi, Sue. Nice to meet you  Nice to meet you too
Hello, Sue. I’m happy to meet you  Lovely to meet you too

How do you do, Ms. Halen  How do you do
It’s pleasure to meet you, Ms. Halen  I’m Very pleased to meet you too.

English Course ALC

How To Greet someone you Know

Hi Sue, How are you?  Fine Thank’s
Hello Sue, How are you doing?  Great, Thank’s, How about you?
Good Morning ms. Halen, How are you today?  I am very well
thank you. And you?
Hello Ms Halen, it’s nice to see you again  And you.

English Course ALC

How to say Goodbye
I must go. Catch you later  O.K. See you later. Bye
I’ll be off now. Speak to you later  Sure. Take care.
Goodbye, it has been a pleasure meeting you  The pleasure
is mine. I hope to see you again soon.
I must be on my way. It was nice seeing you again  likewise. I
look forward to seeing you again soon.

English Course ALC

Conversation (Informal)
Kate : Hello, My name’s Kate.
Julie : Hi, Kate. I’m Julie.
Kate : Nice to meet you, Julie.
Julie : Nice to meet you too.
Kate : This is my friend, Sue.
Julie : Yes, I know we’ve already met. How are you Sue ?
Sue : Fine thank’s. and you ?
Julie : Great Thank’s.
Kate : We must go now, speak to you later julie.
Julie : See you Both later.

English Course ALC

Conversation (Formal)
Kate : Good Morning, I don’t think we’ve met. Let me to
introduce my self. My name is kate Russel.
Julie : How do you do. My name is Julie Bates.
Kate : How do you do Ms. Bates. Allow me to introduce my
colleague, Sue halen.
Julie : Well, Actually we’ve already met. Hello Ms. Halen how
are you today?
Halen : Very well thank you. It’s very nice to see you again.
Julie : And you.
Kate : Well, we must be on our way. It’s has been a pleasure
meeting you Ms. Bates. I hope to see you again soon.
Julie : Likewise. I look forward to seeing you both again.
English Course ALC

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